TipsForSuccess: Does the World Owe You a Living?

Does the World Owe You a Living?

The biggest problem with dentures (false teeth) is that they do not feel comfortable. Some people love them right away while others are never happy with the fit and always seem to suffer.

The unhappy patients frequently return to their dentist for adjustments. They try different adhesives. They even go to other dentists to start over. But no matter what they do, some people's dentures never feel comfortable.

So a denture manufacturer conducted a study to find out why dentures easily fit the mouths of some patients, but were a constant problem with others.

According to this study, they considered the types of material used in the dentures. They considered the methods for shaping the dentures. They checked the dentists' training and techniques. But they could not find out why patients loved or hated their dentures.

But then they discovered one other factor. Most of the patients who complained that their dentures did not fit HAD NOT PAID FOR THEM. They still owed money to the doctor!

If the patient or their insurance company had paid for the dentures, they seemed to fit better.

Why does it matter if the dentures were paid for or not?

Permitting Dishonesty

"When you let somebody be dishonest, you are setting him up to become physically ill and unhappy."

"When you let a person give nothing for something, you are factually encouraging crime." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Lottery winners often lose all their money within a few years. They buy expensive cars and wreck them. They buy big houses and let them go to ruin. One man used his winnings to drink himself to death.

These poor people didn't earn the money. They got something for nothing so it meant nothing to them.

People want to be good. They want to be honest. When they get something for nothing they tend to waste it, as they know they do not deserve it.

When you do some work for someone, not just a favor or a gift, but a valuable piece of work, you must let them pay you or give you something in exchange. If you do not let them give you something in return, they become unhappy.

You see this with governments. Some people accept money from the government to help them get back on their feet. They go to school, work hard and soon return the money they received by paying taxes. These people are healthy and happy.

Other people accept money from the government, but never get back to work. They watch television all day and get fat. They are unhealthy and unhappy.

Children and Exchange

"A lot of this exchange imbalance comes from child psychology where the child is not contributing anything and is not permitted to contribute.

"It is this which first overwhelms him with feelings of obligation to his parents and then bursts out as total revolt in his teens.

"Children who are permitted to contribute (not as a cute thing to do but actually) make noncontributing children of the same age look like raving maniacs!" -- L. Ron Hubbard

When you make children give an exchange they become much happier! Children, as young as three, can contribute by picking up their toys, helping in the kitchen and so on.

If children are not allowed to work until they are adults, they depend on their parents or the government for their money. Or they have to steal it.

Children naturally love to work. It makes them feel important. Smart parents let their children have real jobs. They patiently show their children how to work. For example, how to wash the windows so they are really clean, or how to walk the family dog every day, even when it is really boring.

The most successful people in this world work real jobs when they are young. For example, they take care of the neighbors' yards when they are 8. Or they drive a tractor on their family farms when they are 12. Perhaps they manage a babysitting business when they are 15.

When they become 18, they already have years of work experience. They can work a full eight-hour day. They know how to give an exchange for their pay.

Four Recommendations

1. When people complain about what you do for them, check if they have given you a proper exchange in return. If not, make it a requirement and they will stop complaining about you.

2. Ensure you give an honest exchange for all the goods and services you receive. Like people with dentures, you will be happier with what you receive if you give a fair exchange.

3. Whenever you are unhappy or unhealthy, give more to people. Boost your rate of exchange to a new level. Give more than you are receiving and watch what happens to your health and happiness.

4. Teach children and adults that the world does not owe them a living. They must find ways to earn everything they get in life. Otherwise, they do not enjoy the pride, health and happiness they get from earning an honest living.


Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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Who Is Your Best Friend?

Who is potentially your greatest enemy? Terrorists? Bad bosses or bad employees? Unfriendly drivers on the freeway?

Actually, none of them.

Your greatest potential enemy is you.

No one can ruin your life like you can. No one can pull the plug on your career as effectively as you. No one can wreck your marriage like you.

When you criticize yourself or hate yourself, you become your own worst enemy.

In a book called "Self Analysis," L. Ron Hubbard writes,

"Probably the most neglected friend you have is you. And yet every man, before he can be a true friend to the world, must first become a friend to himself."

When you have a high opinion of yourself, you are less afraid. You have confidence. You can make progress.

As a good friend to yourself, you stop doubting yourself. You like yourself. You expect you will succeed.

When times get tough, you can rely on yourself. The whole world can go against you and you still have a loyal friend.

To become your own best friend, first set a goal to become your own best friend.

If you beat yourself up for something you did wrong in the past, knock it off. You did what you thought was right at the time. Forgive yourself, decide to never do it again and move on.

If you criticize yourself, maybe someone made you believe these criticisms. Stop agreeing with this person.

At least be fair to yourself. For every critical thought you have about yourself, balance the scales with a positive thought. Why not compliment yourself from time to time?

Be kind to yourself. Buy yourself a gift. Pat yourself on the back.

Take care of yourself. Get the food, sleep and exercise your body needs. Get in some "me time."

If you don't like yourself, you may not have many friends. How can you expect people to like you if you don't like you? Yet as soon you become a good friend to yourself, you will find it easy to have many friendships.

Be your best friend and the world will follow your example.


Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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Cause or Effect: The Choice is Yours

Every aspect of your life comes under two categories: things you are at cause over and things you are the effect of.

You can be at cause over your job, relationships, habits, money and future . . . or you can be effect of those things.

When you are at the effect of something, it upsets you. It gives you problems. You don't like to talk about it.

For example, a car mechanic might be very good at fixing radiators, but not very good at brake systems. He looks forward to radiator jobs. He knows every type of radiator that exists, and can fix or replace them quickly. Customers never come back with radiator problems. He is at cause over radiators.

But whenever he gets a brake job, he slows down. He can't find the right parts, can't get the parts to fit and smashes his fingers. He is at the effect of brakes.

As another example, a certain fellow is shy and cannot talk to women as he is effect of women. He may spend all day thinking about them, but turns red and looks down whenever a female talks to him. Once he learns about the mechanics of communication and how to make women feel comfortable, he starts to be more at cause.

If you own or manage a business, you oversee hundreds of duties. You are at cause over a duty if you can do it to professional standards. You are at cause if you can train others on that duty and easily improve their performance. You are at cause if you enjoy the duties of the job.

The points of your business that put you at effect are your biggest problems. You are at effect of a duty if you avoid it, ignore it or pretend it's unimportant. You are at effect of a duty if you rely on others to deal with it for you.

Employees who are at cause over their job or position are the ones who make the most pay, get the most promotions and have the most fun. Employees who are at effect of their positions are the ones who hate their jobs, never earn bonuses or get fired.

The same principle applies with any area of life. If you feel stressed by taxes, legal issues, relationships, housekeeping, finances, goal setting, children, your health or anything else within your life, you are at effect of these things. These are the points that are slowing you down and stopping your success.

You Succeed When You Are at Cause

L. Ron Hubbard devised a simple way to get more at cause over your job (post).

"Write down any and all points where one feels he is NOT at cause over his post.

"Then . . . look at points one after another where one can be at cause.

"One's vision of this gets bigger and bigger.

"And one comes to cause over his post.

"Try it." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Seven Steps to Become More At Cause

1. Choose one area of life you want to be at cause over.

For example, you want to be a better worker and make more money, but you have never held a job for more than two months.

2. Write down every point of that area that you feel you are not at cause.

So you list ten points at your job where you are not at cause. For example, you don't know how to use your computer, you can't arrive on time, you don't like your boss, your chair is very uncomfortable and six others.

3. Choose one point for which you can be at cause. Write down what you can do to get at cause over it.

You decide you can be at cause over your chair. You can get a pillow to make the chair more comfortable.

4. Repeat with any other points on your list you feel you can be at cause.

For example, you also decide you can make yourself arrive on time, if you make it a higher priority.

5. Write a plan to get at cause over these points from your list.

6. Do the plan.

7. Continue this exercise until you are succeeding in that area of life.

In the job example, your pillow makes your chair much more comfortable. Because you make it a higher priority, you arrive early for work five days in a row. You feel better about your job and decide to ask your boss about getting some computer training at night.

Your boss notices you are showing more initiative. You learn to use the computer like a pro. You earn your first bonus . . . .

When you are at cause, you feel stable, confident, calm and powerful. You make steady progress toward your goals.

Take a few minutes and try this approach today!

Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Boost Your Pay with Statistics


Boost Your Pay with Statistics

Which of these five statements are true?

"My boss determines my income."

"I'll never be more successful than my parents."

"My business rises and falls based on the economy."

"My income controls me more than I control it."

"My success is largely determined by luck."

Of course, all these statements are false. You are the one who controls your success.

One way to control your future is with statistics.


L. Ron Hubbard discovered many uses of statistics. Statistics can predict your future. They can show you who is pulling their weight and who is loafing. They can accurately tell you if you are succeeding or failing.

All important functions in your business, career or job can be measured by statistics. For example, a well-managed restaurant tracks several statistics: How much money was collected each day, how many meals were served, the average amount paid per customer and so on.

You take command of your income by discovering which of your statistics are causing the income to go up.

"In any set of statistics of several kinds or activities, you can always find one or more that are not 'by luck' but can be directly caused by the organization or a part of it." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, an auto dealer learns that the more television commercials he runs, the more people will come to his car lot. The customers do not show up because he is lucky, but because he runs TV commercials.

As another example, a computer programmer finds her pay increases whenever she spends her spare time learning new programming languages. More study hours equals greater pay.

Leo's Cafe

Leo owns a small restaurant called Leo's Cafe. He makes around $5,000 per month in profit, but needs $15,000 per month to reach his financial goals.

To earn $15,000 per month in profit, his cafe needs to bring in $150,000 per month, but it only collects $50,000 per month. Leo decides to use statistics to take control of the income.

He makes dozens of statistical graphs for the past three months. He figures out the numbers on everything he can: income, number of meals served, number of customers, average charge per customer, payroll amount paid, time spent cooking, time spent with customers, time spent promoting and so on.

He notices that the daily income jumped to $5,000 on seven separate days last month. It never did this during any other month. Why?

He looks through the customer's orders for those days and discovers there was a special event on each of those days. A big family reunion, a Lions' Club meeting, a birthday party, a business meeting and another family reunion. Why did they come to Leo's Cafe?

He realizes he helped arrange each of these events through promotion time. A family reunion was set up by Leo's golf partner. The birthday party was for his landlord's daughter. The business meeting was set up by his son-in-law. The Lion's Club held their meeting because Leo went to one of their meetings.

Leo looks at the graph: Promotional Hours. He sees it was much higher three months earlier.

A big light bulb flashes in Leo's head. "I thought socializing was a waste of time. I enjoy it too much and thought I should stop. But it's making me money!"

Leo decides to boost his social statistics. He goes to more meetings, plays more golf and attends more parties. As well as boosting his Promotional Hours, he keeps a new statistic called "Number of Social Contacts." Each time he chats with an old contact or makes a new one, he counts this on his graph.

He triples his number of Promotional Hours and Social Contacts. Within a month, his cafe income increases by 25%. By the end of the year, his income reaches his pay goal of $15,000 per month. Leo is having fun and making the money he needs.

Career Success

L. Ron Hubbard's management technology applies to your personal success just as effectively as it does to a business.

Which statistic, that you control, increases your pay? Which statistic, if you doubled it, would mean more money for you?

For example, if you sell real estate, you might find that if you double your number of sales calls, your income increases by 75% or more!

On a long-term basis, you might find the number of hours you spend making new friends boosts your income. Even a part-time hobby can make money. For example, you take several Internet photography classes. You submit your best pictures to magazines. Soon, the income from your pictures is greater than your normal job. You also learn that for every 50 pictures you submit you eventually earn $1000. So you decide to submit 250 pictures each month and thus make $5000 per month.

One fellow found he exceeded his sales quotas at his job if he exercised before going to work. One hour each morning, five days per week equals five hours of exercise. Increasing his exercise hours to five per week caused a 15% pay increase.

Many writers write their first great book while commuting to their normal jobs. The number of hours writing directly relates to the number of books an author publishes.

You can create a graph for activities that result in raises, bonuses and promotions at your company. It might be extra overtime hours, time spent helping new employees, golf games with potential clients, volunteer assignments, deadline accomplishment or whatever. Every activity can be represented by a number.

Once you discover the activities that increase your pay, and mark them on a graph, you can force them to increase. You are then in control of your pay.


1. Create statistical graphs for all possible activities that might boost your income.

2. Find the statistic or statistics, which sooner or later, boost your income.

3. Push those statistics to new levels and you command your income.


To learn more, check out "Management by Statistics," a computer program which is based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. The package not only gives you statistical graphing tools, it teaches you how to manage your business or career with statistics.

You can learn about the "Management by Statistics" software package at You can try the software for 30 days for free by going to

Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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