TipsForSuccess: Money Motivation


Money Motivation

Is making money your top goal? Is it your primary motivation? If so, you may get rich, but you may not be satisfied with life. You may not have a good marriage or happy family. You may not make any difference in the world.

In fact, if money is not your only motivation, you might get rich . . . and be happy!

There's a big difference between getting money just to have money, and earning money to finance a greater cause or create a bigger benefit. How does this work?

"Money is important in the world. But it is the grease on the machinery, not the motors."

"There is nothing wrong with having lots of money. There is everything wrong with having no money. But to work only for money is the dreariest thing there is, very short term indeed."

"The weakest motivation is money. People and businesses that are motivated only by money are wobbly people."

"The scale of motivation from the highest to the lowest is:

    "Duty -- highest
    "Personal Conviction
    "Personal Gain
    "Money -- lowest" -- L. Ron Hubbard

Let's examine these four types of motivation.

4. Money Motivation (lowest): You do whatever it takes to get and keep money. You only do things for money. Even if you hate the work, you do what you need to do for the money.

You do not care if you do a good job or not, as long as you get the money. You believe that if some action gets you money, it's a good thing, no matter what is involved. Lying, cheating and stealing are okay in your mind, as long as the money comes to you.

3. Personal Gain Motivation: You work for your own health and happiness. Your personal success, personal power and personal standard of living are more important to you than anything else. You do not care about others' personal gain, just your own.

2. Personal Conviction Motivation: You are convinced of the value or rightness of an idea or purpose and work to support that idea. For example, you feel strongly about the need for your company's service or product in the world and do all you can to get others to agree with your view. You take great pride in following your ideas.

1. Duty Motivation (highest): You work for a greater purpose than yourself alone. You are motivated to improve the world; to support your country as a patriot; or to expand your group as a devoted member. For example, people who work for nonprofit organizations, to fight hunger, diseases or poverty are often motivated by duty.

When someone pretends to be motivated by a higher motivation, he or she fails. For example, a politician's duty is to support the people he or she represents. If instead, the politician is found to be using the position just to get money, that politician is kicked out of office.

However, a duty-motivated leader who works hard to accomplish that duty, has nothing to hide. His or her actions are consistently directed toward the purpose or duty. You can see statistical evidence of these accomplishments in terms of lives saved, people helped, children educated and so on.

The higher your motivation, the more energy you feel. You can work longer hours, do a better job and have more fun when you are motivated by a duty or personal conviction.


Make a list of your purposes that are greater than yourself. Which of these interest and excite you? How can you spend more time working on them?

If you think you are working just for money, take another look at your motivations. In many cases, you may find you are more motivated to make money for other reasons. These other reasons are your real motivations.

Focus on them and strengthen them and you will feel more motivated than ever!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you. 


Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Have Some Fun!


Have Some Fun!

"An individual who can freely and with a clear heart do things because they're fun is a very sane person." -- L. Ron Hubbard

What can you do today, simply because it's fun?

Ten Suggestions

1. Call someone who enjoys laughing with you, just for fun.

2. Watch a comedy television show or a funny movie, just for fun.

3. Act way too dramatic about a problem, just for fun.

4. Do a monkey dance, privately or publically, just for fun.

5. Find some new jokes on the Internet and use them to make the people around you laugh, just for fun.

6. Go roller skating, fly kites or go bowling with your family, just for fun.

7. If you are a perfectionist, deliberately make a mistake, just for fun.

8. Make some loud, enthusiastic sounds. For example, yell "WONDERFUL!" when you hear some good news, just for fun.

9. Take some kids to the zoo, a park or a water slide, just for fun.

10. Find a reason to give someone a high five, a knuckle bump or a back slap, just for fun.

Improve your sanity by having some fun today!


Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you. 


Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: How to Prevent Catastrophes


How to Prevent Catastrophes

One of the most stressful aspects of managing your life, job or business are those darn SURPRISES.

For example, you are going along, believing everything is fine, then WHAM! Your son gets arrested. Your neighbor cuts down your tree. Your car is stolen.

Any job can include surprising catastrophes. You get demoted or transferred. Your co-worker falsely accuses you of theft. The boss screams at you.

Management surprises can be the most stressful of all. A key employee suddenly quits. A government agent walks in to do an inspection. A crazy man is screaming at your receptionist and won't leave.

Odds are good you will be hit with several surprises in your life. As a result, your forward progress can be stopped. Your production can be blocked. Your success can be ruined.

Even worse, the more successful you are, or the bigger your business becomes, the more often you may be hit with surprises.

Bad Solutions

You might be so afraid of catastrophes that you take them too seriously. You decide to stop succeeding. To earn less money. To be less aggressive, less intense or less passionate.

You believe that if you are small and insignificant, people will leave you alone. But of course, they just hunt you down.

Another bad approach is to get upset when a catastrophe occurs. You act like a victim or a coward. Yet this often makes the problem even worse. You seem to attract even more surprises.

Getting numb is another bad solution. You might want to use drugs or alcohol to deaden your feelings. You try to turn off the world. But this hurts your success as you need to perceive and think with clarity if you wish to succeed.

Constantly worrying makes your life miserable. You spend so much time thinking about problems and potential catastrophes that you are blind to the opportunities that surround you.

Luckily, you can reduce your stress and worry by planning ahead.

Surprise Insurance

"A catastrophe occurs by lack of prediction of a possible circumstance. Those things planned for do not become catastrophes." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Your best insurance is to predict and plan for catastrophes IN ADVANCE. Once you have a plan for handling every conceivable surprise, you can relax.

When you have a plan for a disaster, you are ready for it. Instead of reacting to the problem, while upset and prone to making mistakes, you take command of the situation. You resolve it with your plan. Your prosperity continues.

For example, as a boss, you learn a former employee is suing you. If you planned for this possibility in advance, you would know exactly what to do. Your paperwork would be filed and organized. Your lawyer would send a copy of your paperwork to the employee's attorney. The employee's attorney would see you had done everything right and drop the case.

As another example, you can't sleep because you MUST get to work on time to give a presentation. So instead of tossing and turning in your bed, you turn on the lights. You write down every reason you might be late. You plan how to handle each. You set two alarm clocks and a wind-up alarm in case the power goes out. You figure out another way to get to work in case your car won't start. You lay out your clothes and set up your coffee maker. You are now prepared! You get in bed and instantly fall asleep.

The same principle works on a personal level. For example, Joe is worried his wife will be angry when she finds out he quit his job. He plans a way to explain it to her so she can understand his reasons. He also plans on how to respond to anything she says to him. Joe stops worrying and goes home. When he first gives her the news, he is ready for a bad reaction, but she is fine. Because he planned for a catastrophe, it does not happen. They discuss their finances and make plans for his job search.


1. Make a list of all the catastrophes you expect may happen to you. Include everything that makes you worry. Small things, big things, anything you can think of.

2. Next to each item on your list, write up a plan to handle it. Some potential catastrophes require a single preparation step. Others need a detailed, 20-step plan.

3. As you do this exercise, you may feel uncomfortable and nervous. Just keep working on it. As you plan out more solutions and get prepared, you will feel more relaxed and confident than ever before. You become ready for anything!

4. After you finish, you will probably think of more things to add to your list. So keep it handy.

5. Each time you feel stressed or worried about a potential problem, add the potential surprise to your list. If it's already on the list, simply add more preparation steps until you are no longer worried.

6. Review the list every few months. When you review old solutions, you think of new preventive steps and better solutions.

Biggest Benefit

"A catastrophe occurs by lack of prediction of a possible circumstance. Those things planned for do not become catastrophes." -- L. Ron Hubbard

That's right! Because you have planned for the surprises on your list, they won't happen to you. Most people don't believe this is true. However, write down your plans and you will see for yourself.


Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you. 


Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: How Drugs and Toxins Hurt Your Success


How Drugs and Toxins Hurt Your Success

Definition of "Toxin" = A poisonous substance.

You are bombarded with toxins every day. Air pollution, water pollution and food chemicals get into your body. Toxins are in cleaning products, paint, fertilizers, construction material, bug sprays, even perfumes.

Prescription drugs are also a major source of toxins that may solve one health problem, but can cause many new problems. Perhaps the worst toxins of all are street drugs: marijuana, cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, meth and so on.

L. Ron Hubbard discovered three important facts about toxins:

1. Toxins, especially street drugs, have long-term effects on your personality.

Even after you stop using drugs, you are never your old self. You may be less alert or less intelligent than before you took drugs. You may not be as patient, friendly or kind. Life might seem less interesting and more stressful.

"Drugs can apparently change the attitude of a person from his original personality to one secretly harboring* hostilities and hatreds he does not permit to show on the surface." -- L. Ron Hubbard from "Clear Body, Clear Mind" (*harboring: holding in the mind; maintaining.)

Can you remember how you felt before you took drugs? Were you more alert? Was it easier to learn? Were you happier?

Maybe you can't remember because drugs and toxins tend to cloud your memory.

2. When you get toxins in your body, bits of these toxins do not leave.

Because they are stored in your body, they can enter your blood at any time to hurt your health, change your personality and block your ability to think.

"In the 1970s, working with cases of individuals who had been drug users, and in a study of their physical symptoms and behavioral patterns, I made a startling discovery.

"People who had been on LSD at some earlier time sometimes had reactions which appeared to act as if they had just taken more LSD!"

"LSD apparently stays in the system, lodging in the tissues, and mainly the fatty tissues of the body, and is liable to go into action again--giving the person unpredictable 'trips'--even years after the person has come off LSD."

"Thus it seems that residues* of any or all of these hostile biochemical* substances apparently have the potential of remaining in the system, getting caught up in the tissues and remaining there, unsuspected, even after they have supposedly been eliminated from the body years earlier."-- L. Ron Hubbard from "Clear Body, Clear Mind" (*residues: the parts of something that remains) (*biochemical: the chemicals of a living system)

Clinical tests and medical autopsies prove that toxins do, in fact, get embedded in body tissues.

3. You can remove the stored toxins from your body through an intense program of daily exercise, sweating and nutrition. The program is called the Purification program.

"How does the Purification program work?

"Running is done to get the blood circulating deeper into the tissues where toxic residuals are lodged and thus act to loosen and release the accumulated harmful deposits and get them moving.

"Very important, then, is that the running is immediately followed by sweating in the sauna to flush out the accumulations which have now been dislodged.

"Regular nutrition and supplemental nutrition in the form of megavitamin* and mineral dosages and extra quantities of oil are a vital factor in helping the body to flush out toxins and to repair and rebuild the areas that have been affected by drugs and other toxic residuals.

"A proper schedule with enough rest is mandatory, as the body will be undergoing change and repair throughout the program.

"These actions, carried out on a very stringently monitored basis, are apparently accomplishing a detoxification of the entire system, to the renewed health and vigor of the individual." -- L. Ron Hubbard from "Clear Body, Clear Mind" (*megavitamin dosages: large amounts of vitamins)


During the Purification program, most people can tell which toxins are moving out of their bodies. For example, On Day 2 your mouth might feel numb as the drugs, given to you by your dentist, are sweated out. On Days 4, 5 and 6 you might feel high from the marijuana you smoked in college. On Day 7, as they flush out, you might smell the paint chemicals that you inhaled from your days as a painter.

While you are doing the Purification program, you eliminate traces of toxins every day. You experience many ups and downs as the drugs and chemicals are rinsed out of your body. And then one day, near the end of your program, you feel cleaner and healthier than you have in years!

All of the 250,000+ people, who have completed the Purification program, report one or more of the following benefits.


□ Improved physical condition

□ Clearer thinking
□ More positive outlook on life
□ Increased self-confidence
□ Younger feeling
□ More alert
□ Increased energy level
□ Improved smell, taste, hearing, touch and vision

Flushing out the drugs and toxins stored in your body significantly increases your chances of success.

You can buy "Clear Body, Clear Mind" at

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you. 


Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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