TipsForSuccess: Who is Stopping You? (Part Four)

Who Is Stopping You? (Part Four)

The greatest barrier to your success is not the economy, your work habits or your opportunities. Your greatest source of stress is not money or the weather or any physical thing.

The biggest source of business problems, career difficulties and personal stress is the antisocial personality. The type of person who is devious, mean-spirited, cruel, hostile or negative. The one who openly or secretly opposes you, cuts you down and causes you trouble.

When you handle or disconnect from an antisocial person, you feel better. You relax. You succeed more than you fail. You have less to fight on your way to your goals.

The antisocial is also known as a suppressive person as he or she prefers to suppress your success, hold down your progress and stop your happiness.

The first four characteristics of an antisocial person are covered in previous TipsForSuccess articles which you can read at, and

Characteristic #5

"5. Surrounding such a personality we find cowed* or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*cowed: intimidated, frightened)

Like most people, you have good intentions and try to improve your life. Your statistics in life go up; life gets better.

But then you talk to an antisocial. He or she makes you feel like you are failing.

"You're so weak! Act like a grownup. Get a real job. Don't be such an idiot!"

"Everyone will think you're a jerk if you buy that Mercedes."

"If you don't do what I say, your life will fall apart and you will suffer."

If you believe statements like these, you feel afraid. You may get sick. Your production statistics and income will not improve.

With willpower, you may fight your way out of the mental turbulence and start to succeed . . . for a while. But then the antisocial will find a way to bring you down.

The stress of such situations is extreme. The stress can make you ill. As long as you are associated with the antisocial, you may never recover from an illness.

When you talk to an antisocial, you may feel all kinds of emotions: rage, grief, apathy and so on.

The opposite is true with a social person.

"The friends and associates of a social personality tend to be well, happy and of good morale." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Have you ever felt wonderful after talking to someone? You are talking to a social personality. He or she wishes you success.

The social person helps you increase your productivity. When you make a large amount of money, he or she is delighted and never jealous. You can trust the social personality.

Some social persons have powerful personalities. They help you solve problems. They lift your spirits. If you are sick, they seem to make your illness disappear, just by talking to you!

Characteristic #6

"6. The antisocial personality habitually selects the wrong target." "If a tire is flat from driving over nails, he or she curses a companion or a noncausative source of the trouble. If the radio next door is too loud, he or she kicks the cat." "If A is the obvious cause, the antisocial personality inevitably blames B, or C or D." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Terrorism, war and murder are, of course, wrong targets. No purpose is served by killing people.

Charles Manson persuaded his followers to commit several murders. He testified he was trying to improve the "establishment." Later, he said a Beatle's song made him do it.

Politicians, psychiatrists and social workers often select wrong targets. "Our mayor seems to encourage crime." "He steals because of his chemical imbalance." "She needs more welfare money because she had a bad childhood."

You see examples of wrong targets every day: The driver on the road behind you who blames you for making him late for work. The patient who blames the doctor for his cancer. A man who can't pay his bills and so blames his boss.

Prejudice and biased views are good examples of wrong targets. "We keep our company fresh and hip by never hiring anyone over the age of 45." "Republicans have ruined the economy." "Homosexuals are a threat to my marriage."

Correct Targets

The social personality selects correct targets. "Our customer service is why our customers give us their repeat business." "I'm fat because I eat lots of junk food and never exercise." "If you constantly learn new skills and work harder, you'll make more money."

Intelligent social people can find correct targets to any problem. Examples: "You are broke because you don't organize your finances and control your spending." "The only reason you're not married is you do not find out what your girlfriends really want." "Give bonuses to employees who do the most production and your business will thrive."

When you have the correct target for a problem, the solution is obvious and it solves the problem.

To read L. Ron Hubbard's complete article, which covers all 12 characteristics of the antisocial personality, go to

For the text that covers all 12 social characteristics, go to

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Who is Stopping You? (Part Three)


Who is Stopping You? (Part Three)

Do you know someone who appears kind and polite, but makes your work and life difficult? This person may be an antisocial person. He or she can make you feel like you are riding a roller coaster.

You feel good one day and bad the next. You are productive and efficient one week, but then waste time and get nothing done the next week. Your mood goes up and down, apparently with no explanation.

Abraham Lincoln was known for his mood swings. Sometimes he was energetic, ambitious and cheerful. Other times, he was withdrawn, exhausted and unable to sleep. Winston Churchill was also on a roller coaster: forceful, energized and brilliant one day, depressed and drinking the next. Imagine how much more these men would have accomplished if they had been more stable. They did not recognize nor handle the antisocial people around them.

Businesses are also prone to ups and downs because of antisocial people. One week your productivity and income are doing very well. The next, you have major problems.

Marriages and families can go through the same ride. Happy and loving one month, unfriendly and argumentative the next month. If this happens to you, someone may be secretly messing up your family and marriage.

Luckily, you can handle the negative people in your life. You can take control of your progress. You can have a stable, steadily improving business, career, marriage, family and life.

The first step is to recognize who is causing you trouble and what they are up to.

In two previous articles, we outlined three characteristics of the Antisocial Personality. (See links below.)

Characteristic #4

"4. A characteristic, and one of the sad things about an antisocial personality, is that it does not respond to treatment or reform. . . ." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, while most people find a walk to be refreshing, even therapeutic, an antisocial person complains about walks. "I don't enjoy walks . . . just look at all that polluted air . . . the city needs to do something about those weeds . . . you shouldn't be outside for so long."

Improving life circumstances, like moving to a better home or learning a new skill, makes most people happier, but not an antisocial. He or she does not change for the better. No matter how hard you try to help the antisocial person's performance, work skills or productivity, nothing changes.

You can waste years trying to make an antisocial kind, considerate or supportive, with no change. For example, antisocials will beat their wives or kids until someone threatens them. They pretend they have changed and then start the beatings again.

The antisocial is the constant complainer; the critic who is never happy; the whiner who threatens to leave you. He or she acts kind and thoughtful . . . while stabbing you in the back.

If you open your eyes and face the truth, you eventually realize you cannot help the person, no matter how hard you try.

The opposite characteristic is true of the social personality.

"It is often enough to point out unwanted conduct to a social personality to completely alter it for the better." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, you say, "Ed, you won't stay married for long if you yell at your wife." Ed says, "Oh, yea, you're right. I'm sorry." Because Ed is a social person, he no longer yells at his wife.

Employees, bosses and coworkers, who are social personalities, are fun to work with. They are considerate and kind. They change and improve themselves.

For example, a telephone company gives people-skills training to its employees. Each employee can learn how to provide better service to customers. Social personalities enjoy the training and improve their work skills. Antisocial personalities complain about the training and, if forced to do the training, show no improvement.

If you supervise a social employee, correction is simple. "Sally, please don't use your computer for personal shopping." Sally says, "Okay" and stops shopping with her computer from then on.

Are You an Antisocial Person?

"Self-criticism is a luxury the antisocial cannot afford." "Only the sane, well-balanced person tries to correct his conduct." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Do you criticize yourself and try to correct your behavior? If so, you are not antisocial.

For example, a father finds a broken vase and asks his 7-year-old son, "Who broke the vase? Did you break it?" His son says, "No, I didn't!" The father gets angry and spanks him for breaking a vase and lying about it.

His wife comes into the room with a broom and says, "I need to clean up the vase I broke."

The social person would say, "Son, I'm sorry for not believing you. I'll be more trusting in the future. I owe you a big pizza and ice cream, okay?"

The antisocial personality would say, "The kid deserved the spanking for something else he probably did. You need to show these kids who the boss is."

Just about anyone can be made to act like an antisocial if he or she is pushed hard enough by an antisocial. For example, antisocial parents teach their children to be antisocial. The key is whether or not the person easily changes to a social personality, once he or she realizes the truth.

If you want to improve your conduct, you will. You have a social personality!

To read "Who is Stopping You? (Part One)," go to

To read "Who is Stopping You? (Part Two)," go to

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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