TipsForSuccess: Have No Fear


Have No Fear

If you were afraid of nothing, what goals would you set? What could you accomplish? What would you do if nothing scared you or made you nervous?

Fear stops success. For example, a woman who wants to get married, but she is afraid of men. So she does not get married. Or she marries someone who is wrong for her, just because he does not scare her.

If you want to run a business, you will fail if you are afraid of making big decisions. If you want to be a doctor, you cannot be afraid of sick people. If you want to succeed as an athlete, you cannot be afraid of hard, painful practice.

Fear of anything can ruin your success: fear of rejection, fear of being excluded, fear of anger, fear of paperwork, fear of speaking to groups, fear of stating the truth, fear of asking for money, fear of responsibility, fear of being attacked, fear of looking stupid, fear of pain, fear of displeasing someone and more.

With no fear in your life, what could you accomplish?

The Only Way to Remove a Fear Is to Face the Fear

"Definition: Fear is a state of imperception*; fear is an unwillingness to confront." -- L. Ron Hubbard (imperception = not perceiving; no awareness)

When something scares you, you cannot perceive it very well. Your awareness is reduced. You do not look at it.

To dissolve a fear, you must face it, confront it, experience it, perceive it, look it in the eye. Until you do this, the fear persists.

If you let a fear control you, you will avoid it, ignore it, alter it or run away from it.

For example, Bob is terrified of speaking in public. His boss says, "I'd like to promote you to the head of sales. You will need to give workshops to the sales team each week."

Bob has five options:

Avoid it: "I don't need a promotion."

Ignore it: "I'll think about it."

Alter it: "The sales manager should not give workshops."

Run away from it: "I'm taking a two-month vacation."

Face it: "I'll get my wife to practice the workshop with me until I'm ready. It may take 10-15 hours, but I'll do it!"

Only the last option dissolves Bob's fear. It makes Bob happier. He is more successful as a sales manager."

What scares you? Which of these five options do you use to deal with it?

Afraid to Offend

Nancy is afraid of offending people. Because of her fear, she cannot reach her goal to be a manager. Instead, she is stuck in a low-paying, boring, computer typing job.

Sometimes, Nancy ignores conflicts. For example, a worker in the next cubicle plays loud music. Nancy gets some earplugs.

Sometimes Nancy alters the problem. For example, Nancy returns to her desk to see a co-worker looking in her drawers. The co-worker says, "I'm looking for a pen." Nancy later notices $20 is missing. She alters what she knows has happened and says, "I must have left the cash at home."

So Nancy decides to change her life and face her fears. She walks over to the next cubicle, looks directly at the worker and says, "Please turn down the music." The worker is stunned and turns off the radio. Nancy then goes to the other co-worker and says, "I'm missing $20 that was in my desk before you went through it. Do you have it?" The co-worker says, "Oh, yes, I meant to ask, can I could borrow it?" Nancy says, "Sorry, I need it today" and gets her $20 back.

Nancy feels great! She decides to go face her boss and ask for the management training she has always wanted.

You can do the same with any of your own fears. You might think facing a fear will make the situation worse. You might think that facing the fear might even kill you.

Yet letting fears control you is not a very fun life.


Each time you face a fear, it gets easier. If you continue to confront the fear, the feeling eventually disappears.

Write down one of your fears. Go try to confront it. Continue until you face it completely.

When you look fear in the face, you gain strength, courage and confidence.

"To be happy, one only must be able to confront, which is to say, experience those things that are." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: The #1 Barrier to Learning



The #1 Barrier to Learning: Knowing it All

Do you know someone who thinks he or she knows everything there is to know about something?

If so, you know the biggest reason why that person cannot learn.

"You cannot study a subject if you think you know all about it to begin with.

"A student who thinks he knows all there is to know about a subject will not be able to learn anything in it.

"A person might already be familiar with a subject from previous experience and, having had success in that field, now has the idea that he knows all about it."

"With that obstacle in the way, one can become completely bogged* down in his studies and not make forward progress.

"This is true for a student of any subject." -- L. Ron Hubbard (bogged: hindered or slowed)

Symptoms of "Knowing it All"

Instead of learning, you or others say things like:

"I could give a better lecture than that guy! What a waste of my time. I'm taking a nap."

"Whoever wrote this article should have asked for my opinion; I know more than her!"

"This material is too simple for me."

However, if you realize that no one, including you, knows everything about a topic, you can then learn something new. You can improve your knowledge and skill in that subject. You open a door to new knowledge.

How to Handle "Knowing it All"

Try this exercise with a subject about which you feel you know everything there is to know.

1. Find an article you have not read on that subject.

2. Before reading the article, say to yourself, "I already know everything about this subject."

3. Read a few sentences of the article. Are you learning anything?

4. Next, agree with one of these statements:
A. "I'd better read this to see if there is just one more thing I can learn."
B. "To make sure I still know more than everyone else, I'll read this article."
C. "My mind actually has room for more knowledge!"

5. Try reading the article now. Are you learning anything?

Ask anyone, who is wildly successful, if they know everything about their field. In all cases, they will proudly admit they do not. You will find they have a thirst for knowledge. This thirst is essential to their success.

Be thirsty this week!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: People Follow Your Example


Like it or Not, People Follow Your Example

You may not realize how much influence you have on others. You might be the newest guy at the lowest-paying job in the worst company, but you still influence people.

For example, if you walk around work with speed and determination, others will notice this and feel more like walking around with speed and determination. As a new assistant, you therefore influence your boss.

If you taste a cookie in a restaurant and smile, people notice this. They will be happy to taste that type of cookie.

As another example, your friends are laughing at an overweight woman, but you don't laugh. In fact, you frown. You don't say anything. They stop laughing at the woman and may stop making fun of overweight women, because of your example.

"There are many people one influences. The influence can be good or it can be bad." "The way to happiness requires that one set a good example for others." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Children follow examples set by their parents, employees follow examples set by their bosses, and group members follow examples set by their leaders. Yet examples set by children, employees and group members also have an effect.

Set a Good Example

What kind of influence do you wish to cause? How do you want people to behave around you?

Do you like others to be clean, kind, patient, hard-working and honest? Respectful, understanding, interested, cheerful and polite? Healthy, persistent, smart, organized and fair?

By setting an example, you influence others. So the type of influence you wish to make is your choice.

For example, if you want people at work to be more supportive, start being more supportive yourself for several days and see what happens!

1. Write down how you want people to behave at your work and at home.

2. Write down how you can set the example for that behavior.

3. Set the example for a week.

4. Notice what happens.

5. Use this tool to create new happiness and success in your life.

Give it a try!

Watch a short movie that demonstrates this principle.

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Happiness = Power


Happiness is Power

What makes you perform at your peak? What makes you happiest? When are you at your best?

Here's a power tip you won't learn from any of the motivational "experts."

"Happiness is power and power is being able to do what one is doing when one is doing it." -- L. Ron Hubbard

When you drive a car while thinking about other things, your reaction time is slower. You fail to see potential problems. According to police, inattention is the primary cause of auto accidents.

Daydreams and distractions ruin your job performance. You go on automatic and make mistakes. Because you are not giving your best, you produce less.

The ability to devote 100% of your attention to a task is difficult, at first. Yet when you start to live your life in the immediate present, in this exact moment of time, with little or no attention on the past or future, you feel more alive.

Concentrate on the period at the end of this sentence and nothing else.

Can you do it for five seconds? Fifteen? Can you do it with absolutely no other thoughts? Imagine being able to focus all of your attention on everything you do as you do it. This is power!

Staying in present time unleashes extra amounts of natural ability. For example, just before you leave on a vacation, you zero in on specific accomplishments and quickly get them done. When you only daydream about a vacation, you slow down and become less effective.

You handle conversations much better if you stay in the present. People feel you understand them when you are doing nothing but listening, with no other thought in mind.

The stronger your focus, the greater your power.

Five Tips for Your Success

Practice doing what you are doing when you are doing it in all your activities.

1. Do a simple task at your desk such as clear off some paper or write a note. Do this right now. Do absolutely nothing else when doing it. Practice this until your attention is more in the present than ever before.

2. The next time you are talking to someone, give him or her 100% of your attention. Think of nothing outside of the conversation. Notice the person's reaction.

3. The next time you drive your car, do what you are doing when you are doing it. Don't listen to the radio, talk on your cell phone, eat a snack, think about work or do anything besides drive. Extend your focus all around your car. Notice the difference.

4. Next time you kiss or hug someone, think of nothing else besides giving the kiss or hug. Really do what you are doing and give the person 100% affection. Try this with your spouse to see a great reaction.

5. At your job, spend a complete hour doing absolutely nothing but work. Do exactly what you are doing when you are doing it. Ignore other thoughts, other acts and other tasks. Take no breaks. Do nothing but work.

Don't be too surprised when you learn how powerful you can be!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Your Kingdom



Your Kingdom

You deserve a kingdom.

For example, Bob is the king of the little-league baseball team he coaches. Kelli is the queen of the company she started. Peter's kingdom is a garden or a coin collection.

Stella is the queen over the report filing department. Fred commands the school. Linda rules everything and everyone within her kitchen.

"There is no happiness higher than to be king in some corner -- no man* is worth anything who is not." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*man: a member of mankind; a man, woman or child)

So what is your kingdom? What are your goals for your kingdom? What new kingdom do you wish to rule?


Define your kingdom. You are the ruler of your own life, your own space, your own activities, your own possessions. You influence people. You command an area of this world.

Allow others to be part of your kingdom. Let them create their own kingdoms inside or outside your kingdom. As a result, your kingdom will grow.

Rule your kingdom with kindness and wisdom. Set goals to expand it and make it more successful. Use your kingdom for good and your happiness is guaranteed!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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