TipsForSuccess: Do You Ever Avoid Work?


The Secret of How to Build a Cash Surplus

If you had saved 10% of your income since you started working, how much money would you have right now?

Having a big savings account has many advantages. For example:

● You have the option of getting into activities you enjoy

● You can get out of activities you do not enjoy

● You have more choices of where to live

● Emergencies and potential emergencies are less stressful

● You can help the people you love with their emergencies

● You do not feel trapped by your job

● You can devote more time and money to the activities you love

The Problems

Building a surplus of cash for yourself can be very difficult. An immediate need feels more stressful than a future need. Or you earn some money and want to reward yourself.

Even if you manage to save some money, you are tempted to spend it. You have an emergency or find something you really want to buy. You promise yourself you'll pay it back to your cash reserve, but you never do.

Saving money takes a lot self-discipline. However, even though it is difficult to save money each month, most people can pay their bills.

The Secret

"When a surplus is made part of the 'need' by disguised outgo, a surplus occurs. Only then will it occur. It will not happen otherwise." -- L. Ron Hubbard

If you pay your bills, you can also save money. You arrange bills that are actually savings. You won't miss the money.

For example, you arrange a monthly debit from your checking account into a saving account. Any bank can set up a savings plan for you.

Certain credit card programs allow you to make monthly payments into an investment account, such as savings accounts with insurance companies or banks. The amount you authorize is automatically charged to your credit card each month.

You can pay money toward a future purchase by making an agreement with the group you want to buy from. For example, some colleges allow you to freeze the tuition, if you make monthly payments.

You can also sign up for your company's payroll savings plan or retirement plan. You tell your employer how much to save for you. Your savings is withheld from your pay, just like your tax payments.

Even though opportunities to create a bill that becomes a savings account are not widely promoted, they are available.


1. Decide how much you wish to save each month. The amount should not be so high that it becomes a burden, but you might be surprised how easily you can live on 90% of your current income when you are saving 10%. If none of the above examples fit your situation, talk to someone at your bank, at your job or at an investment company. You might also ask people who have made themselves wealthy as they will have good ideas.

2. Then find a bill or system that will force you to save money. The need to pay the disguised bill must be as urgent as any of your other bills. In other words, you must pay it each month, without fail.

3. The cash reserve must also be difficult for you to spend. For some people, a small penalty is enough to leave the money alone. For others, it must be more difficult. For example, you can set up a joint account so another person must approve your withdrawal from your savings.

4. Finally, the saving account must also increase each month, by itself. All banks pay interest if the money is flowing into the right type of account. Anything is better than nothing!

Make this small, but important change to your finances and you will have more options for success in your future!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Do You Ever Avoid Work?


Do You Ever Avoid Working?

Have you ever noticed what happens when you avoid doing your work?

"The person who studiously avoids work usually works far longer and far harder than the man who pleasantly confronts it and does it." -- L. Ron Hubbard from The Problems of Work

That's right. If you simply confront, or face and deal with your work, it's actually easier for you to do, and you save time!

Let's say you have a stack of paperwork to do. Instead of simply taking a few hours and doing the work, you avoid it for a few weeks. The stack gets higher and now includes requests from people who are wondering about the delayed paperwork. A two-hour project becomes a ten-hour problem.

Students, who avoid their studies have to stay up all night before tests or they get bad grades. Home owners, who avoid their house maintenance chores, have to pay for expensive repairs. Business owners, who avoid training their employees, have to constantly step in and do their employees' jobs for them.

Avoiding any task makes it more difficult, more expensive or more time-consuming than just confronting and doing the work in the first place.


If you want to feel powerful and in control, list out what you should be doing. Write down all your jobs you must do.

Next, decide which item is the hardest, the most difficult to do. Which job do you hate the most?

Now, go confront it and do it as soon as possible! Better yet, PLEASANTLY confront it and do it.

Make this task your highest priority. Ignore those excuses. Dive in and do not stop until the job is done.

As a result, you will discover two facts: The project itself is not that hard to do and, because you got the most difficult action out of the way, everything else on your list will be easier.

This may seem like a brutal way to create improvement, but it is fast and guaranteed to work.

To create a successful tomorrow for yourself, pleasantly blast through your most difficult, most challenging problems today!


Click here to see a clip from the new "The Problems of Work" DVD.

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Two Parts of Success


The Two Elements of Success

To succeed you need both force and intelligence. Every failure you have ever had was because you lacked sufficient force or intelligence.

If you use the correct amount of force and the correct amount of intelligence, you succeed at anything you do.

Selling Cars

Ross and Sue work at an auto dealership selling cars. Neither are doing very well. Each has a different approach to selling.

Ross grabs your hand, pats your back and speaks loudly. He likes to bully people into taking test drives and making offers.

Ross says, "This REALLY is the best car for you! You look GREAT in it! I'll get you an INCREDIBLE DEAL! Sit down. Let's make an offer. Wait a minute! You can't leave yet!"

Sue takes a different approach. She says, "You know if you consider the engineering and statistical advances of this model, and compare it to the consumer surveys of the past three years, you can make a wise decision."

Ross tries to close the deal by saying, "Come ON! You'll never get a BETTER DEAL! You need to buy it NOW! What the heck are you waiting for?"

Sue tries to close the deal by saying, "Your decision should be based on your income, your commuting needs and your values. I suggest you weigh the pros and cons while discussing the issue with your family."

Neither approach is successful.

Unsuccessful Leadership

You find unsuccessful management everywhere. Certain leaders are too forceful. "Sell 10 cars by tomorrow or you're fired!"

They might have short-term success, but never long-term success.

Other unsuccessful leaders are intelligent "nice guys." They say, "According to our market research you can increase your sales by 13% if you emphasize our high-end cars."

Neither approach is successful.

The Winning Combination

"All battles are won by a combination of two elements, and these are force and intelligence."

"You take something like an atomic bomb that can obliterate an entire country, that is tremendous, tremendous force. And it succeeds in short-term wins."

"The wise men of Tibet were, just a few years ago, driven out of their mountain fortresses by the dumbest infantrymen the world has known for some time."

"The long-term win is achieved by a balance between force and intelligence." -- L. Ron Hubbard

To succeed in your battle for success, you need your own balance of force and intelligence.

A successful executive not only gives accurate instructions and good planning (intelligence), he or she must also have enough persistence and intensity (force) to push the plans through.

For example, the boss concludes the prices are too low. He writes an order raising the prices. The sales staff objects. The boss maintains a position and insists on the price increase despite all opposition. To succeed, and have enough money to pay the staff, the boss must not waiver.

Successful salespeople give the customer plenty of information about the product and then use, as needed, some passion to motivate the customer to buy. He or she may also have to disagree with the customer's demands for a lower price.

Successful parents not only work out rules that are fair and beneficial to the family, they enforce those rules. No rules or no enforcement are both unsuccessful.

You can spend all day planning your success, but you also need to work as many hours as necessary to make it happen.

If you are not succeeding like you should be succeeding, what do you need to increase? Your intelligence, your force or both?


Make a list of the types of force and intelligence you wish to improve. Select one per day from your list and try to make the change. Simply deciding to make the change and attempting to make the change can lead to some excellent improvements.

Examples of Intelligence

Education, reading, writing, researching, planning, goal setting, explanations, logic, computer work, policy setting, learning from mistakes, examining consequences, powers of observation, problem solving, ability to reason, learning from others, training others, reaching conclusions, creativity, sense of humor, judgement, accurate analysis of facts and the ability to understand people.

Examples of Force

Persistence, passion, an ability to disagree, physical activity, taking action, courage, starting things, continuing despite opposition, finishing things, ability to motivate people or make them laugh, persuasion, endurance, personal power, forceful speech, domination, intention, drive, ability to handle stress, hard work, demand, confrontation, toughness, control, the ability to hold a position, ability to work long hours and intensity.

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: How to Make Great Decisions



How to Make Great Decisions

When you make good decisions, you build your self-confidence.

"SELF-CONFIDENCE is nothing more than belief in one's ability to decide and in one's decisions." -- L. Ron Hubbard

When you cannot make decisions, you build up stress, create confusion and make people wait. Even worse, when you put off decisions, you miss opportunities.

So how do you make great decisions?

"Given information and the purpose, anybody can make a decision." -- L. Ron Hubbard

In other words, decision-making is like playing cards. If you know which cards each player is holding (information), you make good decisions and win the money (purpose).

15 Questions to Help You Make Decisions

From starting a business to changing careers, buying a house to choosing a vacation, any decision is easy to make, if you have the purpose and information.

For example, Joe needs a car (purpose). He narrows his choices to: 1) buy the $90,000 BMW, 2) buy the $30,000 used Acura, 3) fix up and keep the old Toyota.

As another example, Bob asks Dorothy to marry him. Dorothy wants to be happily married (purpose). So she selects her four choices: 1) Marry Bob immediately, 2) Marry Bob after a long engagement, 3) Don't marry Bob, but keep dating him, 4) Don't marry Bob and stop dating him.

Once you have your purpose and options, find the answers (information) to these 15 questions for each of your options. Your best correct decision will be obvious.

1. What is the goal or purpose of each option?

Joe writes, "1) The purpose of the BMW is to ride in style while impressing my friends. 2) The purpose of the Acura is to have comfortable transportation without big loan payments. 3) The purpose of the Toyota is to have good reliable transportation at a small cost."

Dorothy examines the purpose of each of her options. She writes, "1) The purpose of marrying Bob immediately is to move on with our lives together. 2) The purpose of a long engagement is to leave plenty of room for me to change my mind. 3) The purpose of not marrying, but continuing to date Bob is to learn more about him without a commitment. 4) The purpose of not seeing Bob any longer is to look for someone else. Well, I can eliminate this last option as I'm sick of looking and really do love Bob."

2. How do the purposes of each option align with your goals?

Joe writes, "My goal is to drive something comfortable I can be proud of, but not consume all of my money. The Acura fits that goal best."

Dorothy writes, "I have the goal to get married, so the first two options line up with that goal."

3. What are the statistics for each choice? Each of your options has statistics.

Joe can learn maintenance costs, resale value costs, miles per gallon and so on.

Dorothy can check out Bob's statistics in life. How well does he keep his word? How much money does he make? What happened with his past relationships?

As other examples, when hiring an employee, his or her statistics in life and at the last job are important. When deciding on a job, a career, a relationship, a new business or anything, you can find the track records.

4. Finances? Two vital questions: What will each option cost? How much money will each return? The cost is not a barrier if the predicted return is greater than the cost.

5. Sequences? Most people forget to look at the exact steps involved with each solution.

For example, when interviewing job applicants, ask "If I asked you to start on Monday, what would you do?" Some applicants say, "Well, I might not have a car. . ." or "My pet cat has been sick, so . . ." A smart job applicant says, "I'll show up five minutes early!"

6. Is this choice legal and ethical? Is it fair to everyone involved? Will you be proud of your choice in the future? Would you have any problem telling a judge or TV reporter about your choice?

7. What is the probability of success? For example, how many BMW or Acura buyers are happy enough to buy a similar car? How long will the Toyota last?

If you have no solid data, estimate the odds of success for each choice. For example, Dorothy estimates the odds of a successful marriage to Bob are higher with her second option, if she has a long engagement, than the other two remaining options.

8. Do I have the resources? Resources include people, space, skill, knowledge, money and time. Do you have the means for each choice? If not, the choice may not be right for you.

9. What are the end results? If everything went smoothly, how would each choice turn out? What would the results be? How would it change things in a year or two?

10. What do others want me to do and why? As your choice probably affects other people, you want to know what choice they want you to make. More importantly, why they want you to make it.

Make a list of everyone who is affected and what you believe they want. You are not asking them to help with your decision, you are just gathering information.

11. What are the potential gains and benefits? The "upside" is a big part of your decision.

If everything went well with each choice, what would happen? For example, "I'll get rich!" "We'll be happily married for 40 years." "We can add 100 new offices."

12. What are the potential losses and liabilities? Worst-case scenarios and risks. For each risk, look at how you can protect yourself or your group.

For example, Dorothy evaluates the risks of a marriage and realizes a long engagement has a lower risk of divorce than a fast marriage.

13. What are all the barriers and difficulties for each choice? What gets in the road of each choice. Lack of money? No one else wants it? Not enough time? Fear?

Joe sees no difficulties in buying the BMW or Acura, but lists several problems with repairing his old Toyota.

Dorothy realizes Bob might not like the third option of just dating, but would support a long or short engagement.

14. What would be easy and effortless about each choice? Some choices involve no barriers at all.

15. What do I really want? What am I willing to do? What interests me? Which choice turns me on and makes me happiest? Why do I feel like doing it?

Interest and enthusiasm are vital to a decision ending up being the right decision. A decision with lots of interest and enthusiasm is more successful than a brilliant decision with no interest or enthusiasm.

Because of your purpose and sufficient information, you will make correct decisions.

A series of correct decisions build your certainty and confidence. And when others learn you are usually right, they follow your lead. Everyone succeeds!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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