Boost Your Pay with Statistics
Which of these five statements are true?
"My boss determines my income."
"I'll never be more successful than my parents."
"My business rises and falls based on the economy."
"My income controls me more than I control it."
"My success is largely determined by luck."
Of course, all these statements are false. You are the one who controls your success.
One way to control your future is with statistics.
L. Ron Hubbard discovered many uses of statistics. Statistics can predict your future. They can show you who is pulling their weight and who is loafing. They can accurately tell you if you are succeeding or failing.
All important functions in your business, career or job can be measured by statistics. For example, a well-managed restaurant tracks several statistics: How much money was collected each day, how many meals were served, the average amount paid per customer and so on.
You take command of your income by discovering which of your statistics are causing the income to go up.
"In any set of statistics of several kinds or activities, you can always find one or more that are not 'by luck' but can be directly caused by the organization or a part of it." -- L. Ron Hubbard
For example, an auto dealer learns that the more television commercials he runs, the more people will come to his car lot. The customers do not show up because he is lucky, but because he runs TV commercials.
As another example, a computer programmer finds her pay increases whenever she spends her spare time learning new programming languages. More study hours equals greater pay.
Leo's Cafe
Leo owns a small restaurant called Leo's Cafe. He makes around $5,000 per month in profit, but needs $15,000 per month to reach his financial goals.
To earn $15,000 per month in profit, his cafe needs to bring in $150,000 per month, but it only collects $50,000 per month. Leo decides to use statistics to take control of the income.
He makes dozens of statistical graphs for the past three months. He figures out the numbers on everything he can: income, number of meals served, number of customers, average charge per customer, payroll amount paid, time spent cooking, time spent with customers, time spent promoting and so on.
He notices that the daily income jumped to $5,000 on seven separate days last month. It never did this during any other month. Why?
He looks through the customer's orders for those days and discovers there was a special event on each of those days. A big family reunion, a Lions' Club meeting, a birthday party, a business meeting and another family reunion. Why did they come to Leo's Cafe?
He realizes he helped arrange each of these events through promotion time. A family reunion was set up by Leo's golf partner. The birthday party was for his landlord's daughter. The business meeting was set up by his son-in-law. The Lion's Club held their meeting because Leo went to one of their meetings.
Leo looks at the graph: Promotional Hours. He sees it was much higher three months earlier.
A big light bulb flashes in Leo's head. "I thought socializing was a waste of time. I enjoy it too much and thought I should stop. But it's making me money!"
Leo decides to boost his social statistics. He goes to more meetings, plays more golf and attends more parties. As well as boosting his Promotional Hours, he keeps a new statistic called "Number of Social Contacts." Each time he chats with an old contact or makes a new one, he counts this on his graph.
He triples his number of Promotional Hours and Social Contacts. Within a month, his cafe income increases by 25%. By the end of the year, his income reaches his pay goal of $15,000 per month. Leo is having fun and making the money he needs.
Career Success
L. Ron Hubbard's management technology applies to your personal success just as effectively as it does to a business.
Which statistic, that you control, increases your pay? Which statistic, if you doubled it, would mean more money for you?
For example, if you sell real estate, you might find that if you double your number of sales calls, your income increases by 75% or more!
On a long-term basis, you might find the number of hours you spend making new friends boosts your income. Even a part-time hobby can make money. For example, you take several Internet photography classes. You submit your best pictures to magazines. Soon, the income from your pictures is greater than your normal job. You also learn that for every 50 pictures you submit you eventually earn $1000. So you decide to submit 250 pictures each month and thus make $5000 per month.
One fellow found he exceeded his sales quotas at his job if he exercised before going to work. One hour each morning, five days per week equals five hours of exercise. Increasing his exercise hours to five per week caused a 15% pay increase.
Many writers write their first great book while commuting to their normal jobs. The number of hours writing directly relates to the number of books an author publishes.
You can create a graph for activities that result in raises, bonuses and promotions at your company. It might be extra overtime hours, time spent helping new employees, golf games with potential clients, volunteer assignments, deadline accomplishment or whatever. Every activity can be represented by a number.
Once you discover the activities that increase your pay, and mark them on a graph, you can force them to increase. You are then in control of your pay.
1. Create statistical graphs for all possible activities that might boost your income.
2. Find the statistic or statistics, which sooner or later, boost your income.
3. Push those statistics to new levels and you command your income.
To learn more, check out "Management by Statistics," a computer program which is based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. The package not only gives you statistical graphing tools, it teaches you how to manage your business or career with statistics.
You can learn about the "Management by Statistics" software package at www.mastertech.com. You can try the software for 30 days for free by going to www.trialdl.com. Copyright © 2005 TipsForSuccess.org. All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. Take better control of your life with the TipsForSuccess coaching website at www.TipsForSuccessCoaching.org. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to www.tipsforsuccess.org/reprint_info.htm or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about TipsForSuccess.org, click here. |