TipsForSuccess: Your Kingdom

Your Kingdom

Everyone deserves a kingdom.

For example, Bob might be the king over the little-league baseball team he coaches. Kyla might be the queen of the large company she started. Peter's kingdom might be a garden or a coin collection.

Stella is the queen over the report filing department. As its principal, Fred commands the high school. Linda rules everything and everyone within her kitchen.

If nothing else, everyone is (or should be) the king or queen of his or her own private world.

"There is no happiness higher than to be king in some corner -- no man* is worth anything who is not." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*man: a member of mankind; a man, woman or child)

What is your kingdom? What are your goals for your kingdom? What new kingdom do you wish to rule?


Define your kingdom. Rule it with kindness and wisdom. Set goals to expand it and make it more successful.

Allow others to be part of your kingdom and to create their own kingdoms inside or outside your kingdom.

When you notice someone else's kingdom, respect it. Do not criticize it or try to seize it. Allow the person to be the master of his or her kingdom.

Enjoy your kingdom!

Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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Do You Have Enough Talent to Succeed?

To explain their failures, you might hear people say,

"I don't have a head for business which is why my scrapbook store went bankrupt."

"Leaders are born to lead. I was born to follow. I'll just be a good soldier."

"She inherited her musical skill from her father, but my dad is a truck driver which is why I can't play the piano."

If you believe you need to inherit a skill or talent to be successful, you are one step closer to failure. Yet if you realize you can get the talent to succeed at anything you wish, you are one step closer to success. So if talent is not something you are born with, where do you get it?

Where did Michael Jordan get the talent to be such a great basketball player? What made Luciano Pavarotti into a great opera singer? Why was Warren Buffet such a great investor?

How do these professionals make their jobs looks so easy? Are they born with their skills?

Actually, no one is born a great entrepreneur, a great chess player or a great business manager. The most successful salespeople, investors, actors and doctors do not get their skills at birth. They achieve their greatness through hard, intense practice.

"In any activity, quite a bit of what passes for 'talent' is really just practice."

"One can train one's body, one's eyes, one's hands and feet until, with practice, they sort of
'get to know.' One no longer has to 'think' to set up the stove or park the car: one just DOES it."

"The same principle applies to crafts and professions which mainly use the mind. The
lawyer who has not drilled, drilled, drilled on courtroom procedure may not have learned to
shift his mental gears fast enough to counter new turns of a case and loses it. An undrilled new
stockbroker could lose a fortune in minutes. A green salesman who has not rehearsed selling
can starve for lack of sales.

"The right answer is to practice, practice and practice!" -- L. Ron Hubbard
from The Way to Happiness


Tiger Woods started practicing golf every day from the age of two and still practices every day.

Warren Buffett spent hours, every day for many years, studying financial statements of potential investments.

Winston Churchill, one of the world's greatest speakers, practiced his speeches compulsively.

Michael Jordan was cut from his high school team which proves his talent was not natural. Instead, he practiced his famous basketball moves for more hours every day than anyone else in the game.

The best musicians, writers, actors, surgeons, managers, computer programmers, artists, politicians, dentists, chefs, pilots and electricians all become the best through hours and hours and hours of practice. And their practice is intense.

For example, hitting a bucket of golf balls for fun is not practice, which is why most golfers don't improve. Practice means you hit 300 balls, with the same club, with the goal of leaving the ball within 20 feet of the same spot. And you do this every day.

As another example, when amateur singers take singing lessons, they do it for fun. But professional singers focus on improving their performance during the lesson. They are intense singers.

For a musician, practice means you play the same piece of music 1000 times, each time better than the last, until you can make people cry during a performance. For an artist, practice means you paint the same flower 300 times until people gasp when they look at it. For a writer, practice means you re-write the same story 100 times until your readers can't put it down.

Role-playing or drilling is how you practice to become a great lawyer, a great doctor or a great speaker. Much of this practice can be done with a coach, as well as on the job.

Sales managers can pretend to be customers and practice with their sales people. "Let's pretend I'm too scared to buy a new car and you sell it to me anyway. Here we go. 'Oh, I just can't afford those huge payments . . . '" The more the sales manager practices with the sales people, the more cars he or she gets sold.

If you manage people, you should spend hours trying to bring out the best performance possible from each of your employees, day after day. Observe your results, study management technology, and practice your management skills on the job. Eventually, you can make anyone enthusiastically do his or her best.

Every skill can be practiced and improved: negotiating business deals, explaining financial statements, driving race cars, using computers, writing reports, teaching students, managing money, fixing engines, organizing non-profit groups, building houses, everything.

No one is born with talent. Yet with intense practice, everyone, including you, can become highly talented at anything!


1. Write down a talent you wish to gain.

2. Break down the talent into all of its skills. Make a thorough list.

For example, to be a great soccer player, you need to master 50 different types of kicks. To be a great accountant, you need to master math, financial laws and accounting software as well as many people skills. You might have a list of 100 individual skills.

3. Work out how to practice each individual skill. Some skills you can practice on your own while others require study or research or a coach to help you master the skill.

4. Practice for as many hours as you can stand, each day, until each skill is perfect and you gain the talent you desire.

5. Every time you fail at something, look at it as mere practice. Turn the loss into an opportunity. Which of your skills need more work?

6. Constantly improve your skills. You always have room for improvement.

As a result of your constant improvement, you will gain all the skills and talent you need to succeed.

Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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Income Demand

What determines your income? What factor controls your earnings?

Is it "the economy"? Your education? Your connections? Your parents?

Is the secret to wealth, "you need money to make money"? Or can you boost your income on your own?

The controlling factor for your personal income is the same factor that controls a group's income.

"The income potential of any usual group is established by the demand for income, not by any other important factor." -- L. Ron Hubbard

In other words, the more demand you have for income, the more money you can potentially earn.

For example, if you need to pay a $300 fine or go to jail, your income demand is very high. One way or another, you get the $300.

On the other hand, if you owe the $300 to your father, your income demand may be very low. You may never pay it, unless he demands it.

If are out of debt and you have all the cash you want, your income may drop as you have no demand for income. Instead of making money, you might play golf or shop or watch TV. However, if you lose all your money and suddenly have big debts, your income may jump as you now have a big demand for income.

Many people need an outside source to create the demand for them. For example, a car salesman may not sell any cars unless his boss is watching. When the boss is absent, the salesman drinks coffee, chats on the phone and makes no money. As soon as the boss is back, he gets productive.

Income demand is essential to the success of a business. Most businesses rely on the executives of the businesses to create demand. They tell their employees: "You will be promoted and get a raise if your department's income is up this month." "Smithers, get your sales up this quarter or else!" "Everyone who increases their productivity by 10% this week gets a gourmet lunch on Friday!"

Income demand can come from any source: yourself, your spouse, your family, government agencies, bill collectors, customers and so on.

When the members within a group demand income, you see amazing results. For example, a church group with thousands of enthusiastic volunteers can raise millions in donations. If your boss AND your coworkers are demanding you work harder and make more income, your income potential goes out the roof!

When customers push a business to take their money, that business has incredible income potential. For example, if you invented a battery that lasted 100 times longer than any other battery in the world, everyone would demand you sell your battery to them. Millions of people would be demanding that you get rich.

When hit with a big demand for money, you might be surprised to see how hardworking and resourceful you become. For example, your child suddenly needs some expensive heart surgery and you have no health insurance. To pay for the treatment, you jump into your work and work out how to make the money you need.

You can also create an income demand without a medical emergency, a watchful boss or a big debt. You can create all the income demand you want . . . on your own. The most successful people in the world put pressure on themselves. Their demand is internal.

For example, you set the goal to travel around Europe. You want $3,000 for this vacation. You set a deadline and then work out how much you need to earn each month to reach the goal. You work hard and accomplish the goal!

As another example, you want to educate children in Africa. Your plan is to quit your job, live on your savings and teach African children to read and write. For this, you calculate you need $350,000. You realize you will need to save for 15 years. Yet, your personal demand on yourself is so high, that you save the money in 7 years, quit your job and pursue your dream.

Five Tips for Boosting Your Income Demand

1. Set goals that increase your income demand.

For example, if you are passionate about expanding your knowledge with advanced education, your passion will act as your income demand. You will get the money for your education.

2. Focus on the end result you want with money.

For example, "Have $50,000 in the bank" is not as good as "Save $50,000 to buy a house for my family."

3. Earn the money.

A high income demand sometimes makes people steal or cheat to get it. Of course, they are not looking into the future and do not see how stealing or cheating ruins their income potential, as well as their lives. Plan to honestly earn every dime you need.

4. Find what type of demand works best for you.

For example, if a tough boss makes you earn more money, find the toughest boss available. If going into debt makes you earn more money to keep your credit rating in good shape, go ahead and keep borrowing.

5. Create income demand in yourself.

Of course, the best demand comes from yourself. Ideally, you will create all the demand you need without outside forces.

You can do this by using self discipline, intelligence, clear thinking, persistence and passionate purposes to build your income demand.

Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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