TipsForSuccess: "Hard Work"



Hard Work

Highly-successful people love to work. Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods practiced for 12-15 hours per day to reach their skill level. Bill Gates worked 20-hour days for years. Thomas Edison, who wanted to work at night, built thousands of unworkable light bulbs before discovering one that worked.

Hard-working employees have better job security than lazy employees. Hard work helps professionals rise to the top of their professions. Businesses that beat their competitors are run by people who work the hardest.

When you have no problem working hard, you can accomplish great things. You reach your goals. You have self-respect and pride.

Ten Excuses for Not Working Hard

1. "No one can succeed in this economy."

2. "Everyone else is taking it easy."

3. "I have a medical condition."

4. "I'm a boss and bosses don't have to work hard."

5. "It takes up my valuable energy."

6. "I don't get paid enough."

7. "I don't have the time for it right now."

8. "Once the boss sees you can work hard, you have to do it all the time."

9. "I'll work hard when I feel like it."

10. "Hard work leads to workaholism."

"Be Industrious"

"Work is not always pleasant.

"But few are unhappier than those who lead a purposeless, idle and bored existence . . ."

"Sorrow itself can be eased by simply getting busy at something."

"Morale is boosted to high highs by accomplishment. In fact, it can be demonstrated that production is the basis of morale." -- L. Ron Hubbard
from The Way to Happiness

In this day and age, hardly anyone dies of hard work. Instead, hard work makes you feel better about yourself. If you are feeling depressed, sad or afraid, getting industrious will make you feel much better.

All successful people work hard. They ignore their minor pains and mental barriers. They complete projects as fast as possible and dive into their next project.

Hard work is vital to your morale, superior accomplishment and high pay. It's the engine in your rocket to your goals. No one succeeds without it.

Ten Tips for Becoming More Industrious

1. Think of a project that requires you to work hard. Imagine how you will feel after you complete it.

2. Tell a few people you are going to complete a hard job. It can be more difficult to admit you failed than to just do the job.

3. Break big projects into smaller and smaller tasks until you feel comfortable about doing the first tiny task. Do it now.

4. Work very hard for just five minutes to see how you feel. Then work another five minutes and so on.

5. Set deadlines for yourself and then beat them.

6. Before beginning some difficult work, completely prepare yourself. Organize your supplies and material, put on the proper clothing and so on.

7. Consider how much better the future will be if during the next few months, you work harder than ever before.

8. Force yourself to get started. Once you have some momentum going, the work will be easier.

9. Do the entire task in your mind before starting it. Imagine a fast, successful completion.

10. Arrange for a reward for your extra hard work. For example, "As soon as I finish all these reports, I'll have a delicious dinner." "I won't be going to the movies until I clean out the garage."

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: "Can it Get Any Worse?"



Can it Get Any Worse?

Each day you face serious news. Billions of assets lost, millions unemployed, companies failing. Each day story seems worse than the last.

If you watch the news, read the papers or listen to talk radio guys, everything seems unbelievably horrible. "The United States is becoming a Socialist state!" "Terrorist cells are everywhere!" "They're trying to sink the stock market so they can take over the country." "The economy has never been this bad . . . and everyone agrees it will get worse."

You feel a little stress.

What can you do? How can you feel good? Eat food and gain weight? See a shrink? Make sure everyone around you is also worried? Take a pill?

Unfortunately, no matter what you do, the stress returns. You think about living in poverty. You think about death. Life is extremely serious, right?

Fortunately, you can do something that will help you win this game.

"A guy will tell you, 'We've got to face this thing practically, and what we are doing here is very serious.'"

"You want to know what seriousness is? Seriousness is solidity. You ever hear of a 'solid citizen?'

"There's nothing that succeeds like insouciance*. Plain flippancy** will actually get more done in less time than anything else you can name."

"And the more seriously you take the game, the less chance there is of winning."-- L. Ron Hubbard
(*Insouciance: Lack of concern, carefree.) (**Flippancy: casualness, disrespectful joy.)


When you stop agreeing with all the bad news and find a way to take things less seriously, you fire up your spirit of play! You enjoy benefits like these:

● You feel healthier and more alive.
● You think of great solutions that are simple and effective.
● People enjoy being around you.
● You get more done with less effort.
● You earn cooperation and support from others.
● You have more fun.

So why should you lighten up? Why should you take the game of life less seriously? How can you have more fun?


If you are in good mental shape, simply reminding yourself to LIGHTEN UP can switch you from a serious mood to a light, carefree mood. As a result, you magically feel better and start making progress toward your goals.

For example, you pull into a parking lot and can't find a place to park. You feel like smashing your car. Instead of driving around giving people dirty looks, you decide to lighten up. "Why am I getting so serious about a parking space! I'll park down the street and get in some exercise."

As another example, you hear some horrible, frightening news on the radio. You say, "Oh boy, all of us hard-working regular successful people don't stand a chance in this world." But then you realize, "I don't have any big investments. I don't make millions to be taxed. What do I care? I like music." You laugh, change the channel and start to think more clearly.

Another example: You and your spouse are not talking. You disagreed about something, had an argument and got very serious. You come to your senses and decide, "We need to lighten up!" So you act silly or tell jokes until you and your spouse laugh.

Your spirit of play can make or break your business or career. If you get too serious, you not only feel unhappy, you make others lose the joy of work. Everyone loses.

If you stop taking your job, your life and the economy so seriously, you make better decisions. Your days fly by as you get more done. You win the game!

For more tips on how to lighten up, read "Being Too Serious Can Ruin Your Success" at

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: "Looking for Love?"


Looking for Love?

When you fall in love, it seems like your love will last forever. So you get married. You want a permanent feeling of love. Yet sooner or later, it happens .. . . no more spark.

Perhaps a marriage counselor tells you to take a weekend trip together. So you give it a try and you feel a little spark again. But once you get back to your routine, the honeymoon is over again.

Maybe you try a drug or some wine to make your marriage better. If it helps, it is only temporary and then it feels worse. Besides that, you don't want to depend on a chemical for a good marriage.

So couples give up. They either endure their apathetic, unhappy or stormy relationship, or they get divorced.

Most people have the wrong idea about marriage. They think you can just sit back and enjoy it, like a good movie. Unfortunately, a marriage does not exist just because you had a nice wedding ceremony. A family does not exist just because you have children. You need to create it.

"It's very easy to break down a family because there is no relationship in a family except a pretended relationship."

"Now, I'm not saying that marriage is a false relationship. It isn't. In this society and time, a family is the closest knit, self-perpetuating, self-protecting unit and is necessary economically and otherwise to the society the way it's rigged at this present time."

"The relationship, basically, is a postulated* relationship."

"And when people stop postulating it, it ceases to exist!" -- L. Ron Hubbard
(*Postulated: Something you create or decide is true.)

For example, to have a beautiful flower garden, you need to remove weeds, fertilize and water the plants, plant new flowers and more. If you do not constantly create or postulate the flower garden, it dies. A marriage is the same way.

If you and your spouse are postulating your family and marriage, the spark comes back. You find all the love you desire. Nothing can ruin it.

Example: "He seduced my wife and ruined my marriage" is another way of saying, "I ignored my marriage for two years, so she found someone who wanted to create a relationship with her."

Example: "He's a pig. He ignores me, drinks beer and watches television all night" really means, "I'm not making our marriage very joyful."

Example: "She won't be as affectionate as she was on our honeymoon" is the same thing as saying, "I've stopped being romantic like I was on our honeymoon."

If you build a desk, it sits there for years and years. You only need to create it once. If a marriage worked the same way, you could just create it and enjoy it for years and years. However, it does not work that way.

A happy marriage is a living, breathing, dynamic relationship. It helps you accomplish your goals and live a healthier, longer life. It requires constant creation by all parties to succeed.

Ten Recommendations

The first, most effective way to create your marriage or other relationship is to decide to do so. Just postulate it into existence! If your desire to create a wonderful marriage is strong, you will think of dozens of ways you can create it. Examples:

1. Make an effort to make your spouse laugh several times each day.

2. Agree on goals you can work on together.

3. Praise each of his or her accomplishments.

4. Keep your body, breath and teeth clean.

5. Give small gifts and surprises.

6. If one of you is out of town, talk by telephone at least once each day.

7. Find new ways to help your spouse.

8. Keep yourself healthy with good diet and exercise.

9. Always be willing to listen.

10. Agree on the most pleasurable experiences you can enjoy together and do them.

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: "Who Trusts You?"


Who Trusts You?

Whenever someone believes you will do something, they trust you. They count on you. They assume you will keep your promises.

If you fail to do as you agreed, you lose that trust. You make problems for the people who trust you. You hurt your chances for success.

For example, you tell your friend Martha, "If you let me use your truck, I'll bring it back on Monday, perfectly clean, and with a full tank of gas." Your friend agrees. If you bring the truck back on Wednesday, dirty and almost out of gas, Martha can no longer trust you. She may no longer wish to be your friend.

To succeed, you must gain a reputation as someone who can be trusted. You need to be someone who can be relied upon. You need this strong building block in all your relationships.

"Mutual trust is the firmest building block in human relationships. Without it, the whole structure comes down."

"Trustworthiness is a highly esteemed commodity. When one has it, one is considered valuable. When one has lost it, one may be considered worthless." -- L. Ron Hubbard
from The Way to Happiness

Seven Ways to Become More Trustworthy

1. Keep all of your promises.

For example, if you are a furniture maker and promise to deliver a new desk on Friday, make sure you show up with the desk on Friday. If you have to work day and night to build the desk, you do it.

As another example, you agree to drive your boss to the airport in the morning. That morning, you get ready and have plenty of time to pick up your boss. But your car won't start. Instead of calling your boss with the excuse, you make it go right. You borrow a car, rent a car or hire a taxi. You pick up your boss, as promised.

2. As well as keeping your big promises, keep the small promises as well.

For example, attorney Jeb promises to write a contract that will keep you out of a lawsuit. He says he'll call you in the morning to discuss it. However, Jeb forgets to call for two days. You then wonder, "If he can't keep his word about calling, maybe he can't keep his word about writing a good contract."

3. Be careful what you promise. Give accurate statements.

For example, you know you can write three reports tonight, and maybe two others, as well. Do not say, "I'll write five reports tonight." Instead say, "I'll get three reports done and hope to write two more, as well."

Before you sign any written agreement, read it carefully to ensure you can do what it says. For example you say, "Before I sign this, I want to change paragraph 12 to give me an extra week, just in case I have a problem with the weather or other matters."

4. If you realize you will not be able to keep your word, no matter what you try, tell the person immediately.

Examples: "Shelly, I said I'd take you to dinner tomorrow night, but I may have to cancel." "Boss, you wanted the wall painted by Sunday, but I need an extension until next Wednesday." "If you can give me one more day to fix your car, I'll take off 5% for the delay."

5. If you lose your trust with someone, do not avoid the issue. Restore your reputation by doing all you can to earn back the person's trust.

For example, you agree to pay Jill $1000 on Monday. You forget until Tuesday and realize you do not have the $1000. Instead of avoiding Jill, you call her. "Jill, I am so very sorry I didn't pay you on Monday. I should have called you. I will have the money on Friday. I hope that by paying you on Friday, I'll regain your trust." Of course, you then do whatever it takes to pay her on Friday.

6. If you have destroyed your reputation by breaking your word and not being trustworthy, make up the damage.

For example, "Fred, I know I have let you down. I agreed to fix your computer last month and I did not. I didn't call and truly regret what I did. I would like to fix your computer for free, if you'll let me."

Another example, "Martha, I can't tell you how sorry I am that I didn't return your truck on time or with gas in it. Even worse, it was dirty. How can I make it up to you? Will you let me wash it and fill it with gas this afternoon? I'd also like to replace the burnt bulb in the tail light, okay?"

7. If you do not trust someone, help him or her earn back your trust.

For example, "You want me to hire you again after what happened last time? To be honest, I can't trust you, but am willing to reconsider. If you take this class and pass it 100% by the end of the month, I'll hire you on a temporary basis for one week. If you fail me one more time, I'll never reconsider hiring you again. I'm willing to help you succeed, but only if you are trustworthy."

Seven Benefits of Being More Trustworthy

1. You can make bigger and bigger promises and people will not hesitate to believe you.
2. You can get important support from people in positions of power.
3. The people who trust you recommend you to others. Your circle of contacts increases.
4. Because people trust you, they feel comfortable with you and will confide in you.
5. If you find you cannot deliver what you promise right away, people are more understanding with you.
6. When new opportunities pop up, people tell you about them.
7. Because you know you keep your word, you have more confidence and pride in yourself.

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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