TipsForSuccess: Power



To succeed you need a power base.

What is your power base? It can be the money and property you control. The number of people who you influence. The groups or businesses you control. The size of your game.

How you work with people determines the amount of power you get.

For example, Mr. Green is the CEO of a successful book publishing company in New York City. He is retiring and needs to recommend a new CEO to the Board of Directors. Mr. Green's two best managers are Steve, who runs the printing division, and Melissa, who runs the editing division.

Steve has wanted to be the CEO for years. He tells his staff, "Someday, I'll be running things and we'll come out of the dark ages. Mr. Green's a nice guy and all that, but he's old."

Melissa is also interested in the CEO job. She tells her staff, "Mr. Green is an outstanding leader. He's taught me a great deal. If I run things, I'll try to be like Mr. Green."

Steve likes to disagree with Mr. Green. "You don't want me to be a yes-man do you Mr. Green? We can't always do things your way. I have better ideas."

Melissa prefers to support Mr. Green. "Tell me what you want done and I'll take care of it for you."

Steve is shocked when Mr. Green recommends Melissa for the CEO position.

Your Powers

Who are your "powers"? Who do you depend on for your success? Certainly your boss, but also your customers, colleagues, partners, leaders of your groups, influential friends and others.

Everyone depends on others for their power. Bosses depend on their staff. Fathers depend on mothers. Young politicians depend on senior politicians as well as voters and financial contributors.

Who do you depend on? Who are the people who can help you? These are your "powers."

Now examine how you treat these powers. Do you build them up or drag them down? Do you make them more powerful or less powerful. Do you give them ease or give them stress?

How you treat these people may have more to do with your success than you realize.

Pushing Power

"Always push power in the direction of anyone on whose power you depend. It may be more money for the power or more ease or a snarling defense of the power to a critic."

"If you work like that and the power you are near or depend upon is a power that has at least some inkling* about how to be one and if you make others work like that, then the power-factor expands and expands and expands and you too acquire a sphere of power bigger than you would have if you worked alone." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*inkling: a slight idea)

Some movie actors find it hard to share the spotlight. They think they will get ahead if they criticize others. When talking about a movie director, they say things like, "He was the toughest director I've ever worked for" or "She and I had artistic differences." These actors are often out of work.

When John Travolta was promoting his movie Pulp Fiction, he constantly complimented and thanked writer/director, Quentin Tarantino. Who was John flowing power to? What happened to John's career? It exploded! He became one of the busiest, best-paid actors in history.

Have you heard about assistants, secretaries and clerks who became millionaires? These workers flowed power to their bosses. When these bosses hit it big, they took care of their staffs. Since most bosses have an "inkling" of how to be a power, they love to share their success with those who help them succeed.

Employees who bite the hand that feeds them are soon looking for work. Staff who do not defend their bosses when their bosses are attacked see their workplace become stressful and unpleasant.

On the other hand, if you flow power to your powers, you make them happier and more successful. These powers then have the means and desire to help you. They can give you promotions, raises, freedoms, responsibilities and opportunities you would not otherwise receive. They can help you succeed in more ways than anyone else you know.

Ten Suggestions for Flowing Power to Your Powers

As long as your power has an inkling of how to be a power, these ten tips will make your own power base increase and increase.

1. Do a better job for your power than he or she expects. Surprise him or her with fast completions, incredible production and amazing results.

2. Support the power's ideas and requests, whenever possible.

3. When the power offers you more responsibility, grab it. Do not hesitate or worry about the pay.

4. If you need to tell the power about a problem, include a solution as well. Better yet, solve the problem so you can relay the problem and the fact that it is now solved.

5. If you see your power is making a mistake, do not let him or her fail, but try to help your power. Provide the information he or she may be missing. Offer suggestions and solutions.

6. Never miss a chance to make a gesture of support. For example, insist on paying for the meal you share with a power, even if he or she is wealthier than you. Never forget the power's birthday. Be as generous as you can be.

7. If you hear criticism about one of your powers, jump in and defend him or her. Change negative attitudes that others have about your power. Encourage them to support your power.

8. If your power is under stress, do what you can to reduce that stress. Help him or her become cheerful and optimistic. If the power is happy, everyone is happy!

9. If one of your powers is being attacked, take some of the heat. Get in front of your power and fight back. Do not let your power go down, or you too, will go down.

10. Help your power make more money. Yes, even if your power is wealthy, find ways to make him or her even wealthier. If your power's income goes up, your income will go up.

Three Action Steps

Make a list of your powers. Who do you depend on for your success? Who can help you the most?

Write down three ways you can flow power to each of your powers.

If you then do these three things with each, and flow even more power after that, you will see your own power and success take a leap!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: BE a Success


BE a Success

Jane wants a healthy body. Andy wants a highly-successful accounting firm. Julio wants a big happy family.

All three know what they need to do to reach their goals. Jane knows she needs to control her diet and exercise every day. Andy knows he needs to promote his accounting practice and provide outstanding service to his clients. George knows he needs to learn more about raising children and to spend more time with his family.

Yet they never actually DO the steps they must do to HAVE the results they want to have. Why not?

Be, Do, Have

As you know, to HAVE the things you want, you need to DO certain actions. You need to produce, speak, create, act, assemble, promote, sell or perform some sort of action.

For example, before you can HAVE money, you need to DO things to earn the money. You need to identify the most valuable product or service you can provide; show people the benefits of your service or product; deliver this service or product in high volume and high quality; collect money, expand your operation, learn from your mistakes and so on.

What you may not know is that one other condition must exist before you can succeed.

"The ability to be is more important than the ability to do. The ability to do is more important than the ability to have." -- L. Ron Hubbard

The Correct BE

You have the ability to BE anything. Remember when you were very young you could BE a race car driver in the morning, a king in the afternoon and a famous singer after dinner?

It's not only fun to BE something new, it is VITAL for your success.

For example, Jane wants a healthy body and wants to exercise every day. Yet instead of forcing herself to start jogging, she works on the BE. She puts on her running suit, her running shoes and her running hat. She stretches her muscles like a runner. She straps her portable stereo to her arm, puts on the headphones and turns on some rock 'n' roll.

By the time she finishes preparing, she can't wait to go out and start jogging! She feels healthy already. Because she is BEING a healthy runner, the DO is much easier. She goes outside and enjoys her run.

The Incorrect BE

Some people will only assume one identity. They fail in life because they refuse to BE anything else.

For example, even though he wants a highly-successful accounting firm, Andy won't change his identity. "I don't care what anyone thinks. My accounting work is perfect. I'm going to BE whatever I want."

So Andy wears the same type of clothing he wore in college. He uses bad language, smokes fat cigars and throws paper airplanes around his office.

His partner Linda assumes the identity of a highly-successful accountant. She wears professional clothing, uses perfect English and keeps her office spotless.

Andy says, "Linda is phony. I know she's really a slob like me, but she goes around acting like some big shot. She makes me sick."

Linda ignores Andy and continues to BE a professional. Naturally, clients prefer to work with Linda as they trust her. She earns three times more money than Andy.

Eventually, Linda decides to BE a highly-successful accounting firm owner. As a result, she attracts five big businesses as clients, moves her practice to an expensive office suite and hires two new accountants. She is creating a million-dollar firm while Andy is still being a college student.

Another Example

Julio wants to get married and have a family, but the women he meets want nothing to do with him. He realizes he is BEING boring, unattractive and shy. He realizes BE is more important than DO or HAVE.

Julio changes his identity to be attractive, confident and cheerful. He wears his best clothes, forces himself to stand straight and adds a smile to his face. An attractive woman at his work notices him for the first time and smiles at him.


1. Write down something you want to HAVE.

2. Write down the actions you must DO to get it.

3. Work out the identity you must BE. List the characteristics, attitudes, appearance, qualities and features of this identity.

4. Now, BE the correct identity for the job. Assume the characteristics. Put on the hat.

5. Once you are being what you need to BE, you will feel anxious to start the DO. Jump in with both feet!

So who should you BE today?

For more information about Be, Do, Have, buy and read The Fundamentals of Thought by L. Ron Hubbard; available at

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: How Negative Emotions Kill Your Pay


How Negative Emotions Kill Your Pay

When the elderly sales manager of ABC Autos retired, car sales dropped by half. Pete, the new sales manager, was yelling at the salespeople to do better, but with no improvement. The company owner, Mr. Christopher, was getting desperate.

He sat down with the sales manager and said, "Pete, you've got to quit yelling at the salespeople. Our old sales manager never yelled. Please give it a try."

Pete said, "Where I come from, you must yell at the sales people if you want to get sales. Fire me if you want, but I'm gonna yell."

Mr. Christopher said, "Okay, I don't care what you do, just get the sales numbers back up this week."

So Pete held a sales meeting and screamed, "IF YOU DON'T MAKE AT LEAST ONE SALE THIS WEEK, YOU ARE FIRED!"

The sales staff ran out and started calling people on the phone. They said things like, "You HAVE to call me back!" "I know it's been six months since you were here, but I need to see you. "Your old car is dangerous; you must come in NOW!"

A couple walked in to browse. Four salespeople charged at them. The couple jumped back, mumbled "No thanks" and headed for the door. Another salesperson was blocking the doorway. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

The couple fought their way out the door and the salespeople went back to their telephones. Mr. Christopher was watching all this and shook his head.

Emotional Reactions

When things don't go your way, how do you react?

Some people get more emotional, more reactive. They get frustrated, sad, angry or worse. They react without thinking.

Unfortunately, this can make a short-term improvement. This is why bosses will threaten, scream and pound. They don't realize FORCED productivity is slavery and always backfires.


Careers, jobs and businesses fail when emotional reactions take over.

Mr. Christopher Hires a New Manager

Of course, sales at ABC Autos went from bad to worse and Pete was fired. The owner, Mr. Christopher, decided to run the sales people himself.

First, he held a sales meeting with gourmet pizza. They celebrated Pete's departure.

Next, he showed the staff how to use kindness and intelligence to sell cars. The emotional outbursts and reactive behavior were gone.

By the end of the week, sales increased and continued to increase each week.

Everyone -- managers, employees and the self-employed -- all ruin their productivity and income if they dramatize their negative emotions.

Sixty Examples of Human Emotions and Reactions That Hurt Your Income

You must remove, control or ignore the following types of emotions and reactions to improve your personal power and performance. They are wrecking your forward progress.

Whining, snippy comments, avoidance, the silent treatment, revenge, disrespect, acting up, resentment, moaning, sulking, death wishes, blaming, fear, mocking someone, hate, getting upset, yelling, lump-in-throat sadness, emotional pain, complaining, being grouchy, mood swings, hostility, false sincerity, making someone wrong, political games, jealousy, preaching, overwhelming someone, anxiety, sarcasm, despair, harassment, pretending to be hurt, disagreeing without thinking, giving sympathy, demanding sympathy, getting even, antagonism, terror, being critical, belligerence, exasperation, acting stupid, regret, pity, gossiping, feeling useless, apathy, anger, lying, hopelessness, being stressed out, crying, confusion, sighing, being glum, hysteria, being a victim and cutting off communication.

Reaching your goals and succeeding as never before means you need high-level performance. You must be capable of high-volume work. The road to success does not include these negative emotional reactions.

Five Examples

1. Office Politics

Office games waste time and slow down career success. "Jack took credit for my project so I'm going to crash his computer. " "Sue didn't invite me to lunch so I'll tell the boss she is lazy." "If I can make Wendell look bad, he'll get fired and I'll get that corner office."

2. Marriages

Couples become miserable when their negative emotions and reactions pop up. "He became so cold and heartless, I didn't want him to touch me." "She didn't notice my work in the backyard so I decided to spend more time drinking with my friends." "We haven't really talked for two years."

3. Children

"Clean up your room or I'm locking you in it." "My dad yells at me every time I talk about my boyfriend, so I'll just stay out all night." "Losers get bad grades at school."

4. Management

Executives are praised or demoted to a large degree by how well they handle their emotions and reactions.

For example, employees lose confidence when the boss says, "I didn't like how you looked at me this morning" or "I'm really depressed right now."

Employee performance suffers when bosses say, "You're such a stupid idiot!" or "Once again you have ruined my day."

5. Self

When you decide to have negative emotions or reactions, you hurt yourself the most. "I'm too upset to work any longer today." "I'll be just secretive about what I'm really doing as he scares me." "If I look really depressed, she'll feel sorry for me and give me a raise."

To succeed, you must shake off the emotional reactions, get focused and get working.


If your negative emotions are too strong for you to handle, set a goal to improve yourself. Use one or more of these recommendations:

1. Lighten up. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Read "Being Too Serious Can Drive You Crazy" at

2. Set goals you can get excited about. Focus on your goals whenever you feel negative emotions. Read "How to Set Goals You Can Get Excited About" at

3. Be stronger using the recommendations outlined in "How to Generate Personal Power and Command of Life" at

4. Take better control of yourself. Use the free coaching tools at

5. Improve your mental health. Buy and read the book Self Analysis. Available at

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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FW: TipsForSuccess: Excuses Vs. The Supreme Test



Excuses Vs. The Supreme Test

When faced with a difficult situation, you either make up excuses or find solutions. If you prefer excuses, you have low production and stress. If you find and implement solutions, you pass the Supreme Test.


"This, of course, is a rather savage and brutal datum for it thrusts aside all justification, reasonableness, excuses and even does not take into account the size or obstacles of the opposition."

"People who explain how wrong it is all going and who have reasons why and WHO AREN'T PUTTING IT RIGHT are the real crazy people in the universe. The only ones crazier than they are, are the ones who are quite happy to have everything fail and go wrong with no protest from them. And the only ones even worse are those who work endlessly to make things go wrong and prevent anything from going right and oppose all efforts instinctively.

"Fortunately, there are a few around who DO make things go right in spite of everything and anyone." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Examples of Excuses

"My car was stolen and I have a cold. I'm taking the day off."

"January and February are always bad months because of the weather."

"I can't do any other projects right now because I'm switching to a new computer."

"Profits are down because the new guy is too slow."

"We can't fill more orders until we get a bigger space."

"I can't . . . . " "I'm doing my best . . . " "I tried . . . "

Examples of Passing the Supreme Test

"Even though my car was stolen and I have a cold, I made it to work and will do a great job today."

"If we complete the marketing plan, January and February will show a 5% increase."

"Give me those projects. I'll get them done while I set up my new computer."

"I'll train the new guy on Saturday."

"I will find a bigger space by Friday. Meanwhile, let's work faster and add five hours to the schedule."

"I will do whatever is necessary. . . " "Nothing will stop me." "I will make it go right."

If you want a highly successful career, you make it go right. If you want a successful business or group or department, you make it go right. You never give up, blame others or whine.

"Make it go right" applies to any area of your life. If you want a wonderful marriage, you create one despite all failures or obstacles. If you want to be a successful parent, you do the same thing.

To succeed in anything, you get educated. You communicate. You get assistance. You face and handle obstacles. You persist until you succeed.

What is the biggest problem you have ever confronted in life? If you had to solve that problem or go to jail, what would you do?

You would find a way.

Ten Tips on How to Pass the Supreme Test

1. Focus your attention into present time.
2. Make orderly progress.
3. Dive into problems.
4. Do not agree with anyone's excuses.
5. Learn more.
6. Take more responsibility.
7. Take better control.
8. Ignore the losses and make the wins firm.
9. Stay cheerful.
10. Persist until you win.

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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