TipsForSuccess: What Happens If You Exclude People


What Happens If You Exclude People?

Have you been banned from a group? Have you been treated like a second-class citizen?

When you were young, did certain kids exclude you from being their friends? How did that make you feel?

When a group refuses to let you join, do you admire and respect that group?

Many group leaders do not understand an important fact about letting people into their groups, organizations, businesses and countries.


"Letting people INTO the group at large is the key to every great movement and bettered culture on this planet. This was the new idea that made Buddhism the strongest civilizing influence the world has seen in terms of numbers and terrain. They did not exclude. Race, color, creed, were not made bars to membership in this great movement.

"Politically the strongest country in the world was the United States, and it was weakened only by its efforts to exclude certain races or make them second-class citizens*. Its greatest internal war (1861-65) was fought to settle this point, and the weakness was not resolved even then." -- L. Ron Hubbard from an article called "Group Sanity" (second-class citizen: A person considered inferior)

Perhaps certain people get angry at the United States, not because they "hate liberty," but because they are excluded.

Why Let People In?

If you let people into your group, they love you for it.

If you bar people from joining your group, they hate you for it.

For example, you have lunch with ten friends from work every week. You have a terrific time, laughing, telling jokes and enjoy yourselves.

Two new guys at work ask, "Can we join your group for lunch?" You say, "Sorry, it's a private party."

Later that day, you notice the two new guys won't look at you. The next night, you find a long, deep scratch on your car door. The following week, the boss says, "I have an anonymous report here that you've been stealing supplies. Is that true?"

As L. Ron Hubbard mentions, making African Americans second-class citizens caused the U.S. Civil War which killed more Americans than all other wars combined. Even today, people in all countries try to exclude others because of their race or culture (Middle Eastern, Asian, Hispanic, African), sexual preference (homosexual), religion (Buddhist, Mormon, Scientologist, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim), gender (female) and age (too young, too old).

When they exclude people because of their race, religion, gender and so on, they create enemies and lawsuits.

However, when nations, organizations and groups happily include anyone who wishes to join, they become powerful.


Have you excluded anyone from your group? Have you ever treated anyone like a second-class citizen?

What can you do to include him or her? How can you treat the person as an equal? What can you do to let people be your friends?

Also, if someone excludes you from a group, you might want to attack the person. Instead, realize he or she just does not understand the consequences of exclusion. Simply find another group.

Even better, start your own group and include everyone who wants to join. Your group will become the biggest and most successful of all!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Do You Have Enough Talent?



Do You Have Enough Talent to Succeed?

To explain their failures, you might hear people say,

"I don't have a head for business which is why my scrapbook store went bankrupt."

"Leaders are born to lead. I was born to follow. I'll just be a good soldier."

"She inherited her musical skill from her father, but my dad is a truck driver which is why I can't play the piano."

If you believe you need to inherit a skill or talent to be successful, you are one step closer to failure. Yet if you realize you can get the talent to succeed at anything you wish, you are one step closer to success. So if talent is not something you are born with, where do you get it?

How did Michael Jordan become the greatest basketball player of all time? What made Luciano Pavarotti into a great opera singer? Why was Warren Buffet such a brilliant investor?

Are these professionals born with their skills?

Actually, the most successful athletes, musicians, investors, actors, managers and doctors do not get their skills at birth. They achieve their greatness through hard, intense practice.

"In any activity, quite a bit of what passes for 'talent' is really just practice."

"One can train one's body, one's eyes, one's hands and feet until, with practice, they sort of 'get to know.' One no longer has to 'think' to set up the stove or park the car: one just DOES it."

"The same principle applies to crafts and professions which mainly use the mind. The lawyer who has not drilled, drilled, drilled on courtroom procedure may not have learned to shift his mental gears fast enough to counter new turns of a case and loses it. An undrilled new stockbroker could lose a fortune in minutes. A green salesman who has not rehearsed selling can starve for lack of sales.

"The right answer is to practice, practice and practice!" -- L. Ron Hubbard from The Way to Happiness


Warren Buffett spent hours, every day for many years, studying financial statements of potential investments.

Winston Churchill, one of the world's greatest speakers, practiced his speeches compulsively.

Michael Jordan was cut from his high school team which proves his talent was not natural. Instead, he practiced his famous basketball moves for more hours every day than anyone else in the game.

The best musicians, writers, actors, surgeons, managers, computer programmers, artists, politicians, dentists, chefs, pilots and electricians all become the best through hours and hours and hours of practice. And their practice is intense.

For example, hitting a bucket of golf balls for fun is not practice, which is why most golfers don't improve. Practice means you hit 300 balls, with the same club, with the goal of leaving the ball within 20 feet of the same spot. And you do this every day.

For a musician, practice means you play the same piece of music 1000 times, each time better than the last, until you can make people cry during a performance.

For an artist, practice means you paint the same flower 300 times until people gasp when they look at it.

For a writer, practice means you re-write the same story 100 times until your readers can't put it down.

Role-playing or drilling is how you practice to become a great lawyer, a great doctor or a great speaker. Much of this practice can be done with a coach, as well as on the job.

To succeed as a manager, you need to spend many hours bringing out the best performance possible from each of your employees. For example, sales managers should practice with their sales people. "I'll pretend I'm afraid to buy a new car and you sell it to me anyway. Here we go. 'Oh, I'm just too nervous to buy this car . . . .'" The more practicing the sales managers conduct, the more cars they sell.

Every skill can be practiced and improved: negotiating business deals, explaining financial statements, giving speeches, driving race cars, using computers, writing reports, teaching students, managing money, fixing engines, building houses, everything.

No one is born with talent. Yet with practice, everyone, including you, can become talented at anything!


1. Write down a talent you wish to gain.

2. Break down the talent into all of its skills. Make a thorough list.

For example, to be a great soccer player, you need to master 50 different types of kicks. To be a great accountant, you need to master math, financial laws and accounting software as well as many people skills. You might have a list of 100 individual skills.

3. Work out how to practice each individual skill. Some skills you can practice on your own while others require study or research or a coach to help you master the skill.

4. Practice for as many hours as you can stand, each day, until each skill is perfect and you gain the talent you desire. If you get work done while you practice a skill, even better!

5. Every time you fail at something, look at it as mere practice. Turn the loss into an opportunity. Which of your skills need more work?

6. Constantly improve your skills. Everyone has room for improvement.

As a result of your constant improvement, you will gain all the skills and talent you need to succeed.

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Feel Outraged?


What to Do When You Feel Outraged

Getting angry is the correct response in some situations. Yet blowing up and overreacting can ruin your relationships and success.

For example, you might feel outraged and say:


2. "I can't believe you got home late again; I just can't trust you."

3. "I hear you changed your mind! After all my hard work. I can't believe this!"

4. "She never called me back so I guess she is rejecting my offer. I'm never working with her again!"

5. "He always disagrees with me and I've had it!"

Jumping to the wrong conclusion and getting outraged can seriously damage your success.

Great Advice for Handling Anger

"Listen and question before you decide you're outraged." -- L. Ron Hubbard

By listening and questioning, you find the correct problem and see a better solution.

1. "Has anyone seen my pen?"

2. "Why did you get home late?"

3. "Did you change your mind?"

4. "Will you accept my offer?"

5. "Do you disagree with me?"

By listening and questioning, you learn the truth.

1. "Oh sure, you can borrow it."

2. "Sorry; I forgot you'd told me you'd be late!"

3. "I'm glad you did not change your mind."

4. "Take all the time you need to think about my offer."

5. "I'm glad we agree!"

In most cases, you will not feel outraged after you listen and question.


The next time you feel outraged, do not react.

Instead, ask a few questions and listen to the answers.

Much of the time you'll find you reached the wrong conclusion.

You'll be happy you did not react!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: How to Be Lucky


How to Be Lucky

Many people are looking for luck. In fact, "luck" is one of the most popular words used in internet searches.

What most people don't realize is that you can make your own luck. You can control your future.

You just make up your mind!

"We used to talk about 'breaks' in the writing business all the time, you know. And I just haven't had any good breaks lately.

"So I said, 'Well, that's just a matter of making up your mind to have some good breaks.'"

"So I made up my mind to have some good breaks. In the ensuing week I sold a movie and had a heck of a lot of other things happen, all of which were unexpected." -- L. Ron Hubbard


1. Make up your mind that you are going to be lucky from now on. Decide that you will have some good breaks. Everything will be going your way.

2. Write down how you will be lucky this week. What good things are going to happen? Decide you will be lucky and get what you want.

3. Watch what happens!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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