TipsForSuccess: No-Excuses Living

TipsForSuccess: No-Excuses Living

TipsForSuccess: Jealousy

TipsForSuccess: Jealousy


No-Excuses Living

Roman general Julius Caesar liked to land his ships on enemy territory, unload his troops and burn the ships.

He eliminated all means of retreat. His army had no choice but to win, which they did.

You have the power to choose excuses or solutions. If you prefer excuses, you have low production and stress. If you persist until you achieve your goals, you win the supreme test.


"This of course is a rather savage and brutal datum for it thrusts aside all justification, reasonableness, excuses and even does not take into account the size or obstacles of the opposition."

"People who explain how wrong it is all going and who have reasons why and WHO AREN'T PUTTING IT RIGHT are the real crazy people in the universe. The only ones crazier than they are, are the ones who are quite happy to have everything fail and go wrong with no protest from them. And the only ones even worse are those who work endlessly to make things go wrong and prevent anything from going right and oppose all efforts instinctively.

"Fortunately, there are a few around who DO make things go right in spite of everything and anyone." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Examples of Excuses Living Examples of No-Excuses Living
"My car was stolen and I have a cold. I'm taking the day off."

"July and August are always bad months because of summer vacations."

"I can't do any other projects right now because I'm switching to a new computer."

"Profits are down because the new guy is too slow."

"We can't fill more orders until we get a bigger space."

"I can't . . . . " "I'm doing my best . . . " "I tried . . . "

"Even though my car was stolen and I have a cold, I made it to work and will do a great job today."

"If we do the marketing plan, July and August should show a 5% increase."

"Give me those projects. I'll get them done."

"I'll use my Saturdays to train the new guy to work faster."

"I will find a bigger space by Friday. Meanwhile, let's work faster and add five hours to the schedule."

"I will do whatever is necessary. . . " "Nothing will stop me." "I make it go right."


No-excuses living means you make it go right no matter what your goal is.

If you want a highly successful career, you make it go right. If you want a successful business or group or department, you make it go right. You never give up, agree with excuses or whine.

"Make it go right" applies to any area of your life. If you want a wonderful marriage, you get one despite any failure or obstacle. If you want to be a successful parent, you do the same thing.

To succeed in any area of life, you get educated. You communicate. You get assistance. You make it happen.

What is the biggest problem you have ever confronted in life? If you had to solve that problem or go to jail, what would you do?

You would find a way.

You would focus your attention into present time. You would make orderly progress. You would not avoid the issue, but dive in full blast.

When you could take action, you would not hesitate, but would do it immediately. You would persist and keep your purposes fired up. You would get organized so you were not distracted.

You would be unreasonable and not accept excuses and explanations. You would increase your knowledge, responsibility and control. You would ignore the losses and make the wins firm.

You would make it go right.

You have unlimited amounts of personal power. You have the ability to make anything go right.

Escape the jail of obstacles, excuses and explanations and you will reach the stars.

Provided by as a public service to introduce you to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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No one wants a jealous mate and no one likes being jealous. Jealousy creates anxiety, anger, loneliness, hate, fear. No one thinks clearly when feeling jealous.

Having a relationship with a jealous person is tough. The jealous person acts untrusting or unworthy. Jealousy makes the person unattractive, even repulsive.

What causes jealousy?

"Jealousy is the largest factor in breaking up marriages. Jealousy comes about because of the insecurity of the jealous person and the jealousy may or may not have foundation. This person is afraid of hidden communication lines and will do anything to try to uncover them." -- L. Ron Hubbard

When you are jealous, a line of communication appears to exist with your spouse or lover that is hidden from you. The mystery causes the pain. If you witnessed your spouse's communication line, so it was not hidden from you, you would not feel jealous.

Hidden communication lines or mysteries make you think of questions. "Will she find someone she likes better than me?" "Is he having an affair?" "Is she going to leave me?" "Does he think I'm unattractive?"

When you are jealous, the mystery makes you assume the worst. "Maybe he'll fall in love with his cute receptionist and leave me." "She's going to lunch with her old boyfriend because she's still attracted to him." "He'll come home and tell me he wants a divorce."

How to Dissolve Jealousy

"Communication is the root of marital success from which a strong union can grow, and non-communication is the rock on which the ship will bash out her keel*." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*Keel: The main structural part of a ship that goes from bow to stern-front to back.)

If you are jealous, you need to communicate. You need to stop assuming the worst and ask questions. Communicate your feelings so you can work out solutions.

Bob says to his wife, "I don't want to feel this jealously. I want to get rid of it by asking you a question, okay? Good. So are you attracted to Joe?"

His wife says, "Heavens no! Joe just wanted some help with his son. I love YOU like crazy!"

Bang! The hidden communication is revealed. The mystery is resolved. Bob feels much better.

If Bob doesn't communicate, his wife's communication with Joe makes Bob jealous, afraid and angry. Their marriage suffers.

If your mate is jealous, make sure you have no hidden lines of communication. "Would you like to read this letter from Jill?" "Can you meet with Joe to help with his son?"

Use communication to resolve the problem. For example, you notice Marcia is acting upset and not talking. You ask yourself, "What communication line might be hidden from Marcia?" You realize she's been acting annoyed ever since you started working for an attractive female boss.

"Marcia, have I told you about my new boss?" Marcia jumps up and now wants to talk. You communicate the facts and remove the mystery. Marcia is cheerful and wants to go to a movie.

As well as using communication to resolve mysteries, communicate your feelings for your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend. Tell him or her how you feel. Express your love. Show your affection.

Resolve the mysteries of the past. Discuss your feelings in the present. Make plans for the future. Because of communication, your relationship will be a big success.

L. Ron Hubbard also writes, "Jealousy comes about because of the insecurity of the jealous person. . . ." Mr. Hubbard's discoveries on insecurity are outlined in his book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, available in our bookstore or at

Provided by as a public service to introduce you to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. Programmed in the United States.

For books by L. Ron Hubbard, additional articles or information about, click here.

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TipsForSuccess: How to Predict Your Future

TipsForSuccess: How to Predict Your Future


How to Predict Your Future

Chris has always wondered, "What's going to happen to me? What does the future hold?"

He remembers his father saying, "All you can do is hope for the best." So Chris hopes and hopes.

"I hope I get paid more for my work. I hope people will be more grateful to me. I hope my investments will skyrocket so I can retire. I also hope I win the lottery."

After a year of hoping, nothing changes for Chris.

While watching television, Chris hears someone say, "We must remember the past to prevent things from happening in the future."

So he reviews his mistakes and vows not to repeat them. Another year passes without improvement.

Chris learns on the Internet about fate. "The future is predetermined. It's out of your hands."

He concludes, "No one knows what'll happen. I'll wait and see, just like everyone else."

Chris is a spectator.

Time Machine

If you could look through a time machine and see 100 years into the future, what would you see?

If you see a space-age society with incredible computers, robots and space travel, you know the scientists, engineers and techies are the most ambitious.

If society is wealthy and prosperity is available to all, you know the entrepreneurs, managers and business owners are the most ambitious.

If you see a world at war and people are getting killed every day, you know arms dealers, terrorists and some types of politicians are the most ambitious.

To see the future of our world, just look for the most persistent, passionate and intense people and you see the future.

What fires up this powerful ambition in people?

Are You a Spectator or Player?

You predict and control your future by setting exciting goals that you are sure you can achieve.

"If a man can dream, if a man can have goals, he can be happy and he can be alive. If he has no goals he doesn't even have a future."-- L. Ron Hubbard

You ask, "What should I make happen? What shall I accomplish? What do I WANT in my future?"

The future is like an empty field. No one is playing on it yet. You can run out there and start the game.

While people like Chris are sitting in the stands, YOU PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE.

Take Action

Write down your three most important goals.

What ACTION can you take RIGHT NOW to make progress for each of these goals?

Do it now.

You may be amazed at how much progress you can make, just by starting.

So start!

Provided by as a public service to introduce you to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. Programmed in the United States.

For books by L. Ron Hubbard, additional articles or information about, click here.

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TipsForSuccess: You Get What You Reward

TipsForSuccess: You Get What You Reward


You Get What You Reward

Imagine you own a gift shop. Two sales people work for you, Jill and Susan.

Jill is attractive and cheerful. She dresses well and enjoys her work. She is very social and loves to chat with customers.

Susan does not dress as well as Jill. She does not chat with customers, but is constantly busy. She likes to arrange the gift displays, fill out inventory forms and stock the shelves.

You decide open a car wash down the road and need a manager for your gift shop. Your friend says, "Jill is the best choice for the manager. She dresses well and enjoys chatting with customers. Everyone likes her best!"

You still can't decide between Jill or Susan. So you check the computer and find Jill's sales are dropping for the past several weeks. Perhaps she spends too much time chatting with customers.

Susan's sales statistic is going up each week. In fact, even though she doesn't dress as well as Jill, she is selling twice as many gifts as Jill.

Who should you promote to the manager position?

Rewards and Penalties


    "If you reward nonproduction you get nonproduction.

    "When you penalize production you get nonproduction.

    "We award production and up statistics and penalize nonproduction and down statistics. Always.

    "Also we do it all by statistics-not rumor or personality or who knows who. And we make sure everyone has a statistic of some sort."
-- L. Ron Hubbard

As you probably know, if you reward Jill with the promotion, you will get a decrease in gift sales. Everyone will stand around looking good and chatting all day. She has down statistics. With Jill in charge, you lose money.

If you reward Susan with the promotion, your gift sales will probably increase. People buy gifts with Susan. She has up statistics. With Susan in charge, your make more profit.

Unfair Management

Employees complain loudest when they are treated unfairly; when people are rewarded or penalized because of their personality or appearance.

Unfair managers reward people because of their age, their automobiles or their political beliefs. Unfair managers penalize people because of their accents, skin color or body size.

Even if you are an up statistic, an unfair manager increases or decreases your pay because of how you get along with others, whose hand you kiss or how your spouse acts at company parties.

Other examples:

Bob is made Vice President of Sales because he plays golf with the company founder each weekend.

A manufacturing company has 16 women and 25 men working on its assembly line. They all do the same job, but the men earn 15% higher pay.

Because Cheryl has been working at the company for ten years, she gets $25 per hour. Chris gets twice as much work done, but because he has worked there for just two years, he is paid $18 per hour.

Fair Management

If a business only rewards people with up statistics, the best people stay with the company and the losers soon quit. Everyone has a fair chance to succeed. The business becomes more productive and profitable.

If you work for such a company, you have more opportunities. As long as you produce more than average on a long-term basis, you get more pay, more respect and fewer hassles. You can even show up late once in a while without anyone even mentioning it.

No one would dream of firing you as you are making the company successful.

Other examples:

Sally is made Vice President of Sales because her sales team has beaten their sales quota every quarter for five years.

The basket company gives its basket makers $6 per hour plus ten cents per basket. The fast basket makers earn $20 per hour. Slow basket makers earn $7 per hour. It does not matter if you are male or female, old or young. You control your pay.

You are part of a hard-working productive team. Your team shows a profit increase for the company for the year. All members in the team receive a $1,000 bonus at the end of the year.

If your boss is unfair, how do you get him or her to treat you more fairly? One way is to simply mention this principle. You may start a chain of events that leads to a fairer workplace. For example, "If I get more done this month than anyone has gotten done on this job before, can I have a $250 bonus?" "If we double our sales this month, will you give us all a paid day off?"

If your boss is smart, he or she will love the idea of rewarding production. Add a penalty for poor production and he or she may faint from joy. If your boss dislikes these ideas, it may be time for you to find a new boss.

If you are the boss, rewarding people based on statistics makes your job easier. You just look at statistics to identify your best people. If someone says they are high producers, get the evidence.

Use statistics to decide who gets the best jobs, the bonuses or promotions. As the boss, you will see your own statistics rise as a result.


1. Select a Statistic You Want to Increase. Examples:

You want to lose weight.

You want your typist to type 50 reports each day.

You want your son to get better test scores in school.

2. Agree or Announce a Reward If the Statistic Goes Up and a Penalty If it Goes Down.

"If I lose five pounds this month, I get to go to a movie. If I gain a pound or more, I have to clean out the garage."

"Jenny, I have a deal for you. If you type 50 reports in a day, you get a $20 bonus. If your statistic drops below 40 reports in a day, you agree to contribute $10 to the coffee fund. Is it a deal?"

"Son, if you get a score of 95 or higher on all of your tests this month, you get those new shoes you want. But, if your scores drop below 85, you have to clean out the garage. Okay?"

3. Reward or Penalize Appropriately.

"I gained two pounds. No movie for me! Time to clean the garage."

"Congratulations Jenny! You typed 50 reports today. Here's your $20 bonus!"

"Son, great job on your test scores of 96! Let's go get those shoes!"

4. Keep Your Promises.

The worst thing you can do is break your word on the reward or penalty.

For example, "Son, even though your test scores have dropped to 75, I know you tried. Let's go get those shoes anyway." Your son's test scores may never increase.

What would happen if you said this to your typist? "Jenny, even though you typed those 50 reports today, I've changed my mind and won't give you the $20 bonus. Sorry. See you tomorrow."

Imagine what might happen if you were consistent with yourself as well. "I promised myself a full day off as soon as I sold three cars. Well, I've sold five! I'm going to the mall!"

Give it a try!

Provided by as a public service to introduce you to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. Programmed in the United States.

For books by L. Ron Hubbard, additional articles or information about, click here.

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TipsForSuccess: Your Powerful Imagination

TipsForSuccess: Your Powerful Imagination


"The Whole World Stinks!"

While Grandpa is taking a nap on the couch, his seven-year-old grandson gets some Limburger cheese from the refrigerator and smears it on Grandpa's mustache.

When Grandpa wakes up, he says, "This room stinks!" He goes to another room and says, "This room stinks." After walking throughout the house, he says, "The whole house stinks!"

Grandpa goes outside and takes a deep breath and says, "The whole world stinks!"

Your attitude about life does the same thing.


1. Your marriage is not going well. You go to a movie and notice how nobody smiles. Couples seem to be bored with each other. The movie's happy ending seems phony.

2. Someone's blunt comment at work makes your head feel like exploding with anger. While driving home, everyone seems aggressive and rude. You drive like a dangerous, insane maniac. You think about gun ownership.

3. You watch the news on television for a few hours and feel uneasy. You go outside and look at airplanes as possible threats. You suspect your neighbor might be a bad guy. You jump out of your skin when a kid yells, "Bang!"

4. Your business just made a healthy profit this month. You celebrate at a restaurant where the food tastes great and the waitress is cheerful. When you go outside, the sunset looks glorious. Everyone seems to be smiling.

Why Life Changes

In an article "Is it Possible to Be Happy?" L. Ron Hubbard writes:

"You remember when you were maybe five years old, and you went out in the morning and you looked at the day, and it was a very, very beautiful day, and you looked at the flowers and they were very beautiful flowers.

"Twenty-five years later you get up in the morning, you take a look at the flowers-they are wilted. The day isn't a happy day.

"Well, what has changed? You know they are the same flowers, it's the same world, something must have changed.

"Probably it was you."

"Actually, a little child derives all of his pleasure in life from the grace he puts upon life. He waves a magic hand and brings all manner of interesting things into being out in the society. Here is this big, strong brute of a man riding his iron steed, up and down, and boy, he'd like to be a cop. Yes sir! He would sure like to be a cop; and twenty-five years later he looks at that cop riding up and down and checks his speedometer and says, 'Doggone these cops!'

"Well, what is changed here? Has the cop changed? No. Just the attitude toward him. One's attitude toward life makes every possible difference in one's living. You know you don't have to study a thousand ancient books to discover that fact. But sometimes it needs to be pointed out again that life doesn't change so much as you."

"The day when you stop building your own environment, when you stop building your own surroundings, when you stop waving a magic hand and gracing everything around you with magic and beauty, things cease to be magical, things cease to be beautiful."

Add Some Magic to Your Life

Clear out the smell of Limburger cheese and make your life more enjoyable with this exercise.

1. Look around you. Notice your immediate surroundings in present time. Focus on where you are.

2. Think of a way you can make your environment a little more comfortable. Write it down.

3. Think of a way you can make your environment a little more cheerful. Write it down.

4. Think of a way you can make your environment a little more beautiful. Write it down.

5. Do these three things.

6. Repeat as needed until your attitude and the world around you improves.

Provided by as a public service to introduce you to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. Programmed in the United States.

For books by L. Ron Hubbard, additional articles or information about, click here.

To contact us, click here.

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