TipsForSuccess: Paradise on Earth


Paradise on Earth

What do you automatically "postulate" with others? (Postulate: to assume, assert or decide something is true; a prediction. For example, if you are sure you will exercise today, you postulate that you will exercise today.)

What do you postulate for others? Think of three people at your work. What do you hope or postulate for each? Do you hope they succeed? Fail? Stay out of your way? Do just a little worse than you?

When someone accidentally upsets you, what do you postulate for them? For example, a car cuts in front of you, scares you and makes you slam on your brakes. What do you postulate? That the driver has a rotten day? That the driver gets a speeding ticket?

When you look at strangers in a store, what do you think of them? What do you postulate? For example, when you see an overweight person, do you think, "What a lazy slob. I expect he will never be successful."

If you see a teenager covered with tattoos, what do you think? "She coordinates the colors of her arm tattoo nicely with her shoes. She'll go far." Or maybe you think, "What a slut! She'll end up in jail."

Did you know that your beliefs and postulates for others affects you?

In an article from November 26, 1954, L. Ron Hubbard wrote,

"Sit down at a public place where many people are passing by and simply postulate into them, above them, around them, perfection--no matter what you see. Do this person after person as they walk by you or around you, doing it quietly and to yourself."

"This is simply a demonstration of a fact that he who lives believing wrong of all his fellow men lives, himself, in hell.

"The only difference between paradise on Earth and hell on Earth is whether or not you believe your fellow man worthy of receiving your friendship and devotion." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Give it a try today and see if Earth suddenly becomes a little more like paradise for you.

Try it with the people you know as well.

Make a decision that your family members will all be happy and healthy.

Create hope that your friends and former friends will reach their goals.

Postulate that each of your coworkers are productive and well-paid.

With each person you meet today, postulate their success.

And each time a driver cuts you off on the road, wish him or her a nice day.


Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Drugging Children

Drugging Children

As you know, the future success of our world is in the hands of our children. Our long-term success depends on the next generation. So why do we allow so many children to be drugged?

Drug companies do all they can to get parents, teachers and doctors to prescribe their drugs for children with short-attention spans, the inability to sit still, aggressiveness, nervousness and low self-esteem. Their efforts are paying off for them.

Psychotropics are drugs designed to treat mental "diseases" like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In 1990, these drugs were used by about one million American children. Today, that number is getting close to six million children; one in eight kids!

Side effects of these prescription drugs include: depression, hallucinations, suicide, reduced growth, abnormal brain development and addiction.

Critics blame psychotropic drugs for school shootings, increased cocaine usage and heart problems.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency sees a problem with these drugs. It reported, "Students are giving and selling their medication to classmates who are crushing and snorting the powder like cocaine."

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration found suicides and suicidal thoughts increase with these drugs and now requires the bottles to include warnings about suicide on their labels.

Worst of all, children are rarely taken off of these drugs. Once the child starts, he or she will probably be taking a psychotropic drug for life. A drug company's dream come true.

If you do a quick search for Ritalin alternatives on the Internet, you will find less destructive solutions.

Drug-free Solutions

1. More exercise. Children find they think more clearly and get school work done in half the time if they vigorously exercise that same day. Organized sports like soccer is an excellent way to get kids to exercise.

2. Less sugar. Many ADHD symptoms are also the symptoms of too much sugar. Parents who reduce or eliminate foods with sugar may have to endure a few days of cravings and demands for candy. But they are rewarded with calmer, more stable children.

3. Fewer hours of television and video games. For example, a doctor's 8-year-old son received a Nintendo set for Christmas. He loved the game and played it daily. Within a week, the boy was hitting his sister, disobeying his parents and throwing tantrums. As soon as the Nintendo game was in the garbage can, the son returned to his normal, cheerful self.

4. More time reading with children and helping them with their school work. You help them think better.

5. Arrange for a safer environment at home or school with fewer arguments, conflicts or criticism. Just like adults become depressed or upset by bullies and antisocial persons, so do children. Forcing a child to live in an environment that feels dangerous to the child is destructive.

6. A complete medical examination may find the real problem. For example, ADHD symptoms can be caused by ear infection, constant pain, hearing problems, vision problems and other physical problems.

7. Eliminate foods that cause allergies. Richard E. Layton, MD, writes, "Children who exhibit certain behavioral difficulties may actually be experiencing allergies which can be controlled and even eliminated through several safe and effective treatments resulting in a happier, healthier life." In another study, medical researcher J. Eggar, MD reported that eliminating foods that cause allergic reactions reduces hyperactivity by 81%.

Why You Cannot Mold a Child

Even with the above solutions, children may show ADHD symptoms because of their parents. L. Ron Hubbard describes an important factor in raising kids.

"Children are not dogs. They can't be trained like dogs are trained. They are not controllable items."

"How would you like to be pulled and hauled and ordered about and restrained from doing whatever you wanted to do? You'd resent it. The only reason a child doesn't resent it is because he's small."

"You'd half murder somebody who treated you, an adult, with the orders, contradiction and disrespect given to the average child. The child doesn't strike back because he isn't big enough. He gets your floor muddy, interrupts your nap, destroys the peace of the home instead."

"This revolt can be intensified until he is a terror to have around. He will be noisy, thoughtless, careless of possessions, unclean -- anything, in short which will annoy you."

"Permit a child to sit on your lap. He'll sit there, contented. Now put your arms around him and constrain him to sit there. Do this even though he wasn't even trying to leave. Instantly, he'll squirm. He'll fight to get away from you. He'll get angry. He'll cry. Recall now, he was happy before you started to hold him. (You should actually make this experiment.)"

"Your efforts to mold, train, control this child in general react on him exactly like trying to hold him on your lap."

"Of course you will have a difficulty if this child of yours has already been trained, controlled, ordered about, denied his own possessions."

"You try to give him his freedom. He's so suspicious of you, he will have a difficult time trying to adjust. The transition period will be terrible. But at the end of it you'll have a well-ordered, well-trained, sociable child, thoughtful of you and, very important to you, a child who loves you." -- L. Ron Hubbard

The Best Therapy

Fortunately, the best way to help a child with ADHD symptoms is free, easy and enjoyable.

"A good, stable adult with love and tolerance in his heart is about the best therapy a child can have." -- L. Ron Hubbard


Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Work is a Game

Work is a Game

"Any job is a game." "A game consists of freedoms, barriers and purposes." -- L. Ron Hubbard
from The Problems of Work

Yes, your job is a game! Making money is a game. Succeeding in life is a game. And it can be as fun as playing a card game, a football game or a video game.

If you look at your job as a game, you become more successful. You win more often if you understand and work on the three parts of a game: FREEDOMS, BARRIERS and PURPOSES.

Three Parts of a Game

FREEDOMS are opportunities to succeed. Anything that helps you win the game are freedoms. Examples: your education, your hard work and the support you get from others.

BARRIERS are the problems you must solve or get through to win the game. They include the rules, problems and competitors.

PURPOSES include the goals, the accomplishments and the rewards.

For example, In a football or soccer game, if you are running down the field, and someone tries to stop you, he is a BARRIER. Your strong legs, teammates and the open field are your FREEDOMS. If you get past the person, you will score a goal which is your PURPOSE.

When you are trying to get a good job, the BARRIERS may include the other people who want that same job, your poor work history or your lack of experience.

The FREEDOMS that help you get the job include your charming personality, your honesty and your education.

Your PURPOSES may be to earn respect, do something useful and make money.

Like winning a football game, if you get the job, you feel great! You won!

But if you do not win the game because you do not get the job, you feel unhappy. You lost.

Three Steps to Winning

Because you know the parts of a game, you can improve your chances of winning.

1. First of all, if you wish to win the game of work, you cannot get upset about the BARRIERS. Barriers are included in all games.

For example, if you were a football player, you would not get mad because the other team showed up (a barrier) or because the referee enforced a rule (another barrier). You would not run away nor make up your own rules.

You would get into the football game, play by the rules and try to beat the other team with your talents and skill (freedoms).

The same thing applies to work. For example, if you are looking for a job, you do not get upset if something gets in your way. You have simply run into a barrier. You find another place to apply for a job. You do not give up.

If you dislike a rule at work, you still need to follow the rule because the rule is part of the game. Skilled players follow the rules. Successful business people comply with the government's rules (laws). You can try to get a bad rule changed, but until it is changed, you follow the rule.

If you do not get the raise or promotion you want, you persist. You find a better approach. You change your strategy.

If you own a business that is getting worse, you find the real barriers and attack them. You get smarter than the problems.

Whenever you lose, you go back to the chalk board and figure out a new plan. You do not beat up the competitor or cheat. Instead, you figure out a way to follow the rules and win the game, despite the barriers.

2. Next, concentrate on the PURPOSE. Have you ever seen a football player run to the wrong end of the field? He forgot his purpose!

The same thing can happen at work. You forget why you are there. You are not moving toward a goal.

What is your purpose at work? Maybe you want to do a good job or make a lot of money. Maybe you want to provide extraordinary service or be the best in your profession.

To win the game of work, you need a purpose and you need to follow that purpose.

If you have no purpose or you forget your purpose, you make no progress. You make bad decisions. You do the wrong things. You lose the game.

When you have a clear purpose and put everything you have into that purpose, and never give up, you win the game.

3. Finally, work on your FREEDOMS. You improve your current freedoms and add new ones until you win the game of work every day.

So what are your freedoms at your work?

Your mental strength is one freedom. Just as you exercise your body to build your strength for a football game, you train your mind to do your job better than ever. You go to school. You do courses. You read books. You constantly learn.

Another freedom in a game is your team. You get them to help you. If you get mad at a teammate, he won't want to back you up. If you help your teammates, they support you.

To win a game, you listen to your coach. Who are your work coaches? Perhaps your boss, your parents, a successful friend, a consultant or a financial advisor. Your coaches can be everyone who wants to help you. Listen to them.

Anything you do to prepare for the game is a freedom. For example, if you eat well and get a good night's sleep, you do a better job than if you stay up all night drinking.

Mental alertness is also an important freedom in the game. This means you stay in the present. If you are running a machine while thinking about your date last night, you might break the machine or hurt yourself. The better your concentration, the better you play the game.

Your Game Strategy

Work out your game plan to success right now with these steps.

1. Write down your PURPOSES for working. Why are you there? What do you want to accomplish?

2. List all the BARRIERS. What do you dislike about your work? What gets in your way to accomplishing your purposes? What is not going well?

3. Make a list of all your FREEDOMS. What do you like about your work? What makes it worthwhile? What is going well?

4. Go back through each list. Add more purposes, more barriers and more freedoms. Make sure every part of the game is on the list. Just sorting out these three parts of a game can give you a boost of excitement to win your game.

5. Work out how you can stay on your purposes all of the time. If you are not excited to accomplish your purposes, consider more interesting purposes, bigger purposes or more beneficial purposes.

6. Work out how to handle the barriers. Sometimes you can dance around the barrier, use a different solution, or even turn the barrier into a freedom!

7. Work out how to strengthen the freedoms on your list and add even more freedoms.

8. Continue to work on all three parts of your game until you are winning as never before.

Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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Giving and Accepting Help Is on the Road to Success

"It now appears that Help is the make-break point between sanity and insanity." -- L. Ron Hubbard

You can have many problems regarding the subject of help, two of which are:

1. Fear of being helped

2. Frustration when trying to help others

The second problem occurs with doctors, investors, consultants, accountants, teachers, attorneys, counselors, employers, employees, family members and others. You try to help people, but they reject your help.

For example, if you were wealthy, your friends and family members might ask you for loans. But if you were smart, instead of giving loans, you would offer a better form of help: financial education.

Successful investors want others to make money through investments. They agree with the ancient Chinese advice, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Whenever these investors' family and friends accept this help, they also become wealthy. However, sometimes, they reject this help. They say, "Investing is too hard" or "It's too risky" or "I don't have the time."

Physicians also have this problem. They tell patients to stop smoking, eat more vegetables and exercise. Patients often reject this helpful advice and just want drugs. In fact, some patients change doctors if they don't get the drugs they want.

You might know several ways to help people with your advice. And when people will not listen to your advice, you probably feel frustrated. You might even give up on giving help. You might say, "To heck with them!" "They don't deserve my help." "I'm too good for them."

If the frustration gets worse, you might even feel a little crazy. You cross over the make-break point between sanity and insanity!

Help Becomes Insanity

A mother knows her daughter is marrying the wrong man. He has black greasy hair, lives in a van and smells bad. The mother makes a few hints, but the daughter won't budge.

She finally says, "You should not marry that man!"

If the daughter rejects this advice and gets married anyway, the mother might start acting nutty.

When people reject your assistance, you might avoid talking to them. You might give up on them. You would find other friends.

You would also reject their help, no matter how badly you needed it. You might even reject help from everyone.

People who cannot accept help act like they are totally self-reliant.

"I don't need anyone to help me succeed."

"Save your help for someone who really needs it."

"I'm not failing in everything, so I'll wait until I am."

But believing you do not need any help from anyone closes the door to opportunities for a brighter, more prosperous future. This is not very sane.

Another reason people dislike help is when they are betrayed.

Help Becomes Betrayal

You trust someone and then they stab you in the back. They betray you and so you stop trusting them. If enough people betray you, you decide to not trust anyone.

When people say they can help you, you immediately worry they cannot be trusted.

Betrayal, disguised as help, is common in this society. For example, you hear someone is depressed and so goes to a psychiatrist for help. A few weeks later, they are either taking a psychiatric drug or feeling more depressed than ever. You learn a lesson. If you feel depressed, do not seek help!

Con artists take advantage of you by pretending to offer help. "I know how you can double your money in one month! You can't lose!"

A few weeks later, the con artist, and your investment, are history.

Business owners often feel damaged by employees they trust. "Don't worry boss, you can count on me!" Employees often feel the same way about business owners. "I'll give you a raise as soon as the company is doing better."

Even worse is when your spouse or a family member betrays you.

If you are betrayed too often, the world seems against you. You feel alone.

You tend to stop people, including yourself, from pursuing a brighter future. You discourage risk. You criticize new ideas. You feel afraid of change.

Yet you can't give up! You can't close the door to possibilities. You can't lose hope.


Even if you have been betrayed, you can and should trust most people anyway.

Most people have good intentions. Most people enjoy helping you. Most people are not evil.

The small percentage of people you cannot trust are easy to identify. You just need to know the signs of the anti-social personality. Check out for details.

Eight Healthy Attitudes about Help

1. Most people want to be trustworthy and will be trustworthy if you do not hurt them first.

2. Rejecting help does not improve your life, but closes the door to opportunities.

3. Being too "proud" to accept help has nothing to do with pride and everything to do with past betrayals.

4. Too much self-reliance or self-dependence limits your success. Being an island burns you out.

5. Seeking help does not mean you have failed, but is a sign of intelligence.

6. Depending on people is healthy and vital to your long-term success. Everyone who is famous, wealthy or wildly successful proudly admits they had a great deal of help. No one succeeds on their own.

7. People are basically good. Most of them have good intentions. They are worthy of your help.

8. Freely giving help and freely accepting help are signs of sanity. Both are essential to your success.


If giving or receiving help is not easy for you, deliberately do the following two steps every day.

1. Find something you are not very good at and find someone to help you with it.

2. Find someone who is not very good at something and help them with it.

After one week, notice how you feel.

Reaching your goals and becoming a total success is much easier if you give and receive massive amounts of help along the way.

Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Leadership Success



Leadership Success

Car salesman Jim was promoted to the sales manager position. During his first week as manager, he decided he needed to show everyone who was boss.

Jim cracked the whip. He held a meeting and told the other sales people, "I want 10 cars sold today or someone will get fired!"

The sales people ran around looking busy and avoiding Jim. Everyone tried to force customers to buy cars, but car sales dropped.

Jim yelled even louder. "You can't sells cars by pressuring customers, you idiots! Now get out there and sell these stupid cars!"

After a month of this, his two best sales people quit. Sales dropped even further.

Jim said, "I can't believe this! What am I doing wrong?"

Five Bad Leadership Attitudes

Like many new managers, Jim had these five wrong ideas:

1. "Because I'm the manager, you better respect me . . . or else!"

2. "People are lazy; I have to force them to work."

3. "I'm superior to everyone. I can do anything I want."

4. "If you work for me, you need to kiss my butt."

5. "If you don't like how I run things, you can leave."

Because of these attitudes, Jim's staff were selling fewer cars and looking for other jobs. If Jim did not change his attitude, he would also be looking for a new job soon.

Just in time, Jim learned this vital fact about management from his boss.

A Key to Leadership Success

"I believe that to command is to serve and only gives one the right to serve." -- L. Ron Hubbard

At first Jim said, "What? I'm supposed to serve others? How ridiculous!"

But then he thought it through. A light bulb above his head flashed on.

"If I SERVE my staff by training them about sales and about these cars, they know how to sell better."

"If I SERVE my staff with kindness and courtesy, they treat customers better!"

"If I'm here to SERVE my team, I don't force them to make sales, I help them make sales."

A New Day

The next morning, Jim brought a box of chocolate doughnuts for his staff and said, "Today is a new day! This may be a shock to you, but I've realized that I've been a bad manager. I want to try helping you instead of yelling at you, okay?"

He asked, "How can I HELP you each sell a car today?"

His team offered some ideas: "Fill the tanks full of gas so we don't have to buy gas during test drives." "Let us give out more brochures." "Offer doughnuts to the customers."

Jim said, "No problem! I'll get you gas, brochures and doughnuts."

The staff were stunned, but happy.

During the day, he helped his sales people give service to the customers, not pressure.

"She wants to discuss it with her father first?" "That's probably a good idea. Invite him down to meet us if he can."

"He wants to test drive six cars before deciding?" 'No problem."

"They want to show the car to their mechanic." "Great!"

Jim persisted with his new service attitude. He thought of new ways to give service to his staff, his boss and their customers.

Customers felt they were buying luxury cars because of the excellent service. The sales people enjoyed their work. Jim had more fun with less stress.

Car sales numbers went out the roof.

Service, Not Slavery

Jim had one small worry, "Will my people take advantage of me or run over me if I'm trying to give them service?"

He soon found this was not a problem when one salesman tried to boss him around.

The salesman said, "Jim, I need a few hours off to run some errands for my wife. And I need to borrow the demo car, okay?"

Jim said, "No. And you can't take off a few hours until I see you sell one car today. How can I help you do your job?"


You are a leader, even if you are not officially a manager at work. People follow your example, learn from you, want to know your opinions and so on. So constantly improving your leadership skills is essential to your success.

1. Make a list of everyone you lead in one way or another: customers, staff, coworkers, family members, friends, colleagues, even your boss.

2. Write down one or more ways you can better serve each person this week.

3. Provide these services during the week.

Observe the results. Watch how people react. Notice how you feel.

If you persist with an attitude of service, your position improves, your pay increases and you have more fun. Not only are you more successful, so are the ones you lead.

Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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