How to Be More Motivated in 2008 Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
TipsForSuccess: How to Be More Motivated in 2008
TipsForSuccess: Paradise on Earth
Paradise on Earth Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
TipsForSuccess: Get Anything You Want with ARC: Part 4
Get Anything You Want with ARC Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
TipsForSuccess: How to Become a Leader
How to Become a Leader Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
TipsForSuccess: How to Prevent Catastrohphes
How to Prevent Catastrophes Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
TipsForSuccess: Get Anything You Want with ARC: Part 3
Get Whatever You Want with ARC Affinity, Reality and Communication (ARC) "The ARC Triangle is the keystone of living associations." -- L. Ron Hubbard Affinity: how well you like or love a person Get Anything You Want with ARC, Part 1 Part 3: How to Use ARC to Form New Relationships Wouldn't it be great if you could become fast friends with nearly everyone you met? If you could make people like you right away? If you could earn the support from everyone you wished to have support from? For example, you could get strangers to agree with you within a few minutes. You could get the leaders in your field to listen to you and give you whatever you needed. You could earn respect from your coworkers, staff, colleagues, friends and family. You can do all of these things with ARC. You start by using communication. Simply follow two steps: "The way to talk to a man, then, would be to find something to like about him and to discuss something with which he can agree." -- L. Ron Hubbard (from The Problems of Work) For example, you want to form a business relationship with a business owner. You invite him to lunch. Where do you start? 1. Find something you like about the owner. You look him over and decide he has a nice smile and good looking shoes. You have some affinity for him. This step is done. 2. Discuss something with which he can agree. He mentions that he hates the hot weather outside. You say, "I can't stand the heat either, but my wife loves it." He says, "My wife likes it too. Something is wrong with them." You both laugh. You can also ask questions to find something with which to agree. What has he been doing lately? How is his business going? What does he like about his field? What does he do for fun? Does he have any children? Maybe you learn he loves to play tennis, has trouble with a government regulation and worries about his father's health. You also have trouble with the same government regulation and so you discuss it. Your ARC with the business owner goes up. As another example, you are waiting for your flight to Chicago at an airport. You decide to establish ARC with the business woman sitting next to you. First you find something you like about her, perhaps her red-leather briefcase. So you say, "Nice briefcase!" She smiles and nods. Your affinity is established. You then find something with which she can agree. "Are you from Chicago?" She starts to communicate. You find points of agreement. You have ARC and perhaps a new business relationship. If you are single and want to meet someone new, these two steps are great for breaking the ice with the opposite sex, even if you feel shy. For example, you notice someone you want to meet in a bookstore. He or she is looking at magazines. You do the first step and find something you like, such as this person's hair, shoes and voice. You suddenly feel less shy. You then find something with which you can agree. "I need a good magazines. Which ones do you like best?" "I see you like gardening magazines. Me too. Have you seen this one?" You can use this formula to form relationships with people who are difficult for you to understand. Say you get on that airplane for a long flight to Chicago and are assigned to sit next to a body-pierced, tattooed, pimply-faced teenager with McDonalds Big Mac breath. You follow the formula and find something to like about him: he has a beautiful sunset picture on his t-shirt. You feel a little better about the fellow. You find something with which he can agree. "Where did you get that great shirt?" "What do you like to do after school?" "That is quite a tattoo you have." Before long, you have enough ARC with this teenager to enjoy sitting next to him for the flight. Recommendations 1. List all the people or types of people with whom you want to form a relationship. 2. Work out a way to use the two steps with each of them: "The way to talk to a man, then, would be to find something to like about him and to discuss something with which he can agree." -- L. Ron Hubbard (from The Problems of Work) Give it a try! The Problems of Work is available at and Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
TipsForSuccess: The Number One Fear of Executives
The Number One Fear of Executives Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
TipsForSuccess: Get Anything You Want with ARC, Part 2
Get Anything You Want with ARC Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
TipsForSuccess: Make More Money by Facing the Music
Make More Money by Facing the Music Steve has the golden touch. Everything he does makes money. As an employee at a furniture store, he gets fast promotions and raises. After five years, he is the top manager and makes a deal with the owner to buy the business. He makes several improvements and triples the income. He has no debt, saves money every month and has a lot of fun. Andy never has any money. He works hard at the same furniture company, but never gets ahead. He can't remember his last raise and is terrified of starting a business. He spends more than he makes, so his debts are steadily increasing. Because he constantly worries about money, he has health problems, as well. What is the greatest difference between Steve and Andy? "Man is having trouble with finance? Obviously, he is unwilling to confront* money." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*Confront has two common definitions: 1) meet face-to-face in hostility or defiance. 2) face up to and deal with a problem. In this article, we are using the second definition.) To resolve money troubles, you confront or face all aspects of money. To really confront something, you have no resistance, no hesitation and no emotion. You simply face it 100%. For example, you can probably confront an apple. The apple does not scare you or upset you. You can easily control and enjoy the apple. However, a credit card bill, a financial disagreement or a problem with taxes may not be as easy for you to face. These areas of low confront actually hurt your ability to have money. When you face something completely, the area starts to improve. It's amazing how much money you can make when you improve your ability to confront money matters. Using our example above, Steve is a financial success because he faces all financial problems. For example, he fearlessly sells big packages of office furniture to the toughest customers. Andy gets so nervous when talking to big-shot customers that he prefers to stay in the store instead of going to customer's offices. If he were willing to confront tough customers, and went to see them despite his fear, he would conquer his fear and earn more money. Two Steps for Increasing Your Financial Confront If you are not making as much money as you like, what about money are you not confronting? Non-confront comes in many forms: fear, avoidance, shyness, laziness, procrastination, terror, pretense, anxiety, stress, worry, upsets, forgetfulness, disorganization, hatred, lies, shame, blame, regret, critical thoughts and excuses. Do you experience any of these forms of non-confront regarding money? If you are willing to increase your ability to confront money, you will have more of it. All you need to do is: 1. Identify an aspect of money you are not confronting. 2. Confront it: face it, deal with it, take responsibility for it; invest the hard work and persistence required to resolve it. 20 Questions To help you get started, these questions may help you identify the areas of money you should confront. 1. How much money do you owe? 2. How much loan interest do you pay per month? 3. How much money do you spend per month? On what? 4. How much money do you waste per month? 5. Is your checkbook balanced? 6. Do you avoid preparing tax forms? 7. Are you not paying money you promised to pay? 8. Are you avoiding anyone who owes you money? 9. Are you involved in a financial disagreement? 10. What are you doing with money that you should not be doing? That you should be doing? 11. Do you have a long-term financial plan? 12. What work skills should you improve? 13. How could you produce a better service or product? 14. What about your income are you avoiding? 15. What do you lie about regarding money? 16. What bad habits do you have with money? 17. What scares you about money? 18. What are you putting off? 19. What do you hate about money? 20. What steps would be needed for you to increase your income? Which of these steps seem too difficult for you to face? Pick one thing you are willing to confront, confront it today and see what happens! Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
TipsForSuccess: Get Anything You Want with ARC, Part 1

Get Anything You Want with ARC Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |
You Tried to Reach a Goal and Failed . . . Now What? She tries to run one morning anyway. Usually, her real leg has a slight cramp, but this morning it feels worse. Jill normally pushes through, but for some reason, she lets it bother her. Suddenly, she falls on the sidewalk and scrapes her elbows and hands. A delivery truck drives by, hits a puddle and soaks her clothes while she is down. She quits for the day. Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about, click here. |