How Drugs and Toxins Hurt Your Success Toxin: A poisonous substance. You are bombarded with toxins every day. Air pollution, water pollution and food chemicals get into your body. Toxins are in cleaning products, paint, fertilizers, construction material, bug sprays, even perfume. Prescription drugs are also a major source of toxins that may solve one health problem, but can cause many new problems. Perhaps the worst toxins of all are street drugs: marijuana, cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, meth and so on. L. Ron Hubbard discovered three important facts about toxins: 1. Toxins, especially street drugs, have long-term effects on your personality. Even after you stop using drugs, you are never your old self. You may be less alert or less intelligent than before you took drugs. You may not be as patient, friendly or kind. Life might seem less interesting and more stressful. "Drugs can apparently change the attitude of a person from his original personality to one secretly harboring* hostilities and hatreds he does not permit to show on the surface." -- L. Ron Hubbard from "Clear Body, Clear Mind" (*harboring: holding in the mind; maintaining.) Can you remember how you felt before you took drugs? Were you more alert? Was it easier to learn? Were you happier? Maybe you can't remember because drugs and toxins tend to cloud your memory. 2. When you get toxins in your body, bits of these toxins do not leave. Because they are stored in your body, they can enter your blood at any time to hurt your health, change your personality and block your ability to think. "In the 1970s, working with cases of individuals who had been drug users, and in a study of their physical symptoms and behavioral patterns, I made a startling discovery. "People who had been on LSD at some earlier time sometimes had reactions which appeared to act as if they had just taken more LSD!" "LSD apparently stays in the system, lodging in the tissues, and mainly the fatty tissues of the body, and is liable to go into action again--giving the person unpredictable 'trips'--even years after the person has come off LSD." "Thus it seems that residues* of any or all of these hostile biochemical* substances apparently have the potential of remaining in the system, getting caught up in the tissues and remaining there, unsuspected, even after they have supposedly been eliminated from the body years earlier."-- L. Ron Hubbard from "Clear Body, Clear Mind" (*residues: the parts of something that remains) (*biochemical: the chemicals of a living system) Clinical tests and medical autopsies prove that toxins do, in fact, get embedded in body tissues. 3. You can remove the stored toxins from your body through an intense program of daily exercise, sweating and nutrition. The program is called the Purification program. "How does the Purification program work? "Running is done to get the blood circulating deeper into the tissues where toxic residuals are lodged and thus act to loosen and release the accumulated harmful deposits and get them moving. "Very important, then, is that the running is immediately followed by sweating in the sauna to flush out the accumulations which have now been dislodged. "Regular nutrition and supplemental nutrition in the form of megavitamin* and mineral dosages and extra quantities of oil are a vital factor in helping the body to flush out toxins and to repair and rebuild the areas that have been affected by drugs and other toxic residuals. "A proper schedule with enough rest is mandatory, as the body will be undergoing change and repair throughout the program. "These actions, carried out on a very stringently monitored basis, are apparently accomplishing a detoxification of the entire system, to the renewed health and vigor of the individual." -- L. Ron Hubbard from "Clear Body, Clear Mind" (*megavitamin dosages: large amounts of vitamins) Results During the Purification program, most people can tell which toxins are moving out of their bodies. For example, On Day 2 your mouth might feel numb as the drugs, given to you by your dentist, are sweated out. On Days 4, 5 and 6 you might feel high from the marijuana you smoked in college. On Day 7, as they flush out, you might smell the paint chemicals that you inhaled from your days as a painter. While you are doing the Purification program, you eliminate traces of toxins every day. You experience many ups and downs as the drugs and chemicals are rinsed out of your body. And then one day, near the end of your program, you feel cleaner and healthier than you have in years! All of the 250,000 people, who have completed the Purification program, report one or more of the following benefits. - Improved physical condition
- Clearer thinking
- More positive outlook on life
- Increased self-confidence
- Younger feeling
- More alert
- Increased energy level
- Improved smell, taste, hearing, touch and vision
Flushing out the drugs and toxins stored in your body significantly increases your chances of success. You can buy "Clear Body, Clear Mind" at Amazon.com by clicking here. Copyright © 2008 TipsForSuccess.org. All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to www.tipsforsuccess.org/reprint_info.htm or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about TipsForSuccess.org, click here. |