Why You Must Be Unreasonable You succeed when you are unreasonable about your success. You neither give nor accept excuses. You insist on success. L. Ron Hubbard defines reasonableness as "faulty explanations." When you agree with faulty explanations, you are too reasonable. Examples of faulty explanations: "I can't repair your furnace today as it might rain." The truth is, the repairman is going to a basketball game. "None of the staff will work past 5:00." The truth is, the manager does not want to work past 5:00. "I can't pay you as I promised as my wife is sick and can't fix our meals." The truth is, he is spending the money on a new boat. Why Agree? If you agree with faulty explanations, you agree to fail. Excuses, justifications and reasonableness produce nothing. Yet disagreeing with failure, with problems and with excuses, helps you succeed. "If you can't fix the furnace today because of the rain, I'll find someone who repairs furnaces, despite the rain." "I believe lots of people will work past 5:00. You are the manager and need to handle the schedules. Do you need me to show you how to do it?" "Well, I'm sorry about your wife, but don't see how that's related. You agreed to pay me today, so I'll have to get the money from you right now as you promised." When you disagree with faulty explanations, when you are unreasonable about failure, the sun shines, the rainbows appear and everything improves. Not only must you be unreasonable with others, you must be unreasonable with yourself. For example you think, "I'm tired because I work so hard." You then say to yourself, "Too bad! I need to disagree with this silly explanation. I've worked harder than this and felt great! I'm tired because I'm working hard on the wrong things. I'm going to WAKE UP, stop wasting time and make this day a productive day!" Statistical Justifications The most important thing you must be unreasonable about is decreased productivity. When your statistics in life (how much you earn or produce) are going down, you fail if you make up excuses. You cannot accept faulty explanations for failure. "Never JUSTIFY why a graph continues to be down and never be reasonable about it. A down graph is simply a down graph and somebody is goofing." -- L. Ron Hubbard Justifications for failures are everywhere: "Reading skills are getting worse in the United States because we have too many television channels." "I had to close the business because of the economy." "No one buys cars from Pete because he's too old." If you are reasonable and accept these excuses, you cannot solve the problems. However, when you disagree with explanations and find the truth, the solutions become obvious. Examples: "Television has nothing to do with reading skills. What else could it be? Oh! Are children taught to use a dictionary so they can understand what they read?" "Your business didn't fail because of the economy. It failed because you didn't know what you were doing. Did you advertise? Did you deliver what you promised? Did you add new products or services that people wanted to buy?" "People buy cars from salesmen older than Pete every day. Was Pete working every day? Has anyone trained him to sell?" The barriers to your success are excuses, faulty explanations and justifications. As soon as you get unreasonable with these barriers, you find the solutions you need to become successful. Exercises In the examples below, decide which are reasonable explanations and which are the truthful statements. "I have no money because (I spend more than I earn) (of the cost of gas)." "I can't lose weight because (I'm too busy) (I'm lazy and addicted to chocolate)." "I'm single and lonely because (I don't get out and meet people) (no one likes me)." "I can't find a good assistant because I (am too busy) (am not taking the time to find one)." "I let people boss me around because (I'm kind and caring) (I don't stand up to them)." Recommendations 1. Write down a failure you have had in your life. 2. Write down all the excuses and faulty explanations you have invented or accepted for this failure. 3. Get unreasonable and disagree with all of them. 4. Accept full responsibility for the failure and find what you did or did not do that caused it. 5. Turn the failure into a success. If you continue to be unreasonable with excuses, justifications and faulty explanations, you will make it go right and turn the failure into a success. Provided by TipsForSuccess.org as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you. Copyright © 2008 TipsForSuccess.org. All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about TipsForSuccess.org, click here. |