TipsForSuccess: Your Success is in the Present

Your Success is in the Present

Do you constantly think about the future? Does tomorrow seem scary and uncertain? Are you worried how it will all turn out?

Maybe your attention is in the past. Do you dwell on old decisions? Do people from your past still affect you? Are you constantly thinking of accidents, attacks or injuries?

If so, you are missing the best part of life.

What is Sanity?

When you are in good condition, you are in the here and now. You are aware of the present. Your thoughts and attention are neither in the past nor in the future.

". . . the very, very sane confront the present entirely and have very little concern for the future, being competent enough in handling the present to let the future take care of itself." -- L. Ron Hubbard

If you think about it, present time is all there really is. The past and the future exist only in our minds. Present time is reality.

Try getting your attention completely in the present. Look at an object for 10 seconds. Try to do nothing but look at the object. Can you keep your attention in the present for the entire 10 seconds? Do thoughts of the past or future slip in?

10 Benefits of Getting Your Attention in the Present

1. Your powers of perception are greatly increased as you see things exactly as they are.

2. You don't beat yourself up for your bad choices in the past or potential weaknesses in the future.

3. You look at others as they actually are. This is much more accurate than how they were or how you hope they will be.

4. Bad memories have no effect on you.

5. Future worries have no effect on you.

6. Your job performance is far superior as you are more alert.

7. You perceive more, experience more and enjoy more.

8. You make better decisions because you view the facts as they actually are, right now.

9. Bad news does not bother you as much because it does not remind you of similar bad news from the past.

10. You have fewer accidents and injuries. Your mind does not wander. Your reactions are faster.

Two Ways to Live More in the Present

1. Increase your ability to focus your attention on the present.

Practice, practice, practice. Every time you find yourself thinking about the past, look at an object. Move your attention back to the present.

When speaking to people, really look at them. Focus on what they are saying.

When working, do nothing but work. Dive into your tasks with all of your attention.

Live in the present with all your activities: driving, eating, walking, playing, reading, talking, even while watching a movie.

2. Reduce the negative influences of bad incidents in your past.

Bad incidents from your past can also make you worry too much about the future. You are worried, consciously or unconsciously, that these bad things might happen again.

To reduce the power of the past, you need to face the details of the past and resolve them so they no longer bother you. Unfortunately, you cannot do it by yourself.

Mr. Hubbard found irrational behavior stems from experiences in the past. In fact, everything you dislike about yourself is based on something in your past.

An easy, safe method for resolving your past is explained in "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health" by L. Ron Hubbard. When you use Dianetics, you and a partner help each other by following the instructions in this best-selling book.

You can find Dianetics in bookstores, used bookstores or libraries. It is also available at and

A DVD set called "How To Use Dianetics" contains a complete visual presentation of Dianetics. After watching the 32 short, easy-to-understand videos, you will know how to use Dianetics to live more in the present and increase your power to succeed.

You can order the "How to Use Dianetics" DVD set for $20. Learn more by clicking here.

"Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today and you make your tomorrow." -- L. Ron Hubbard


Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you. 


Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.


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