TipsForSuccess: Ten Great Quotes

TipsForSuccess: Ten Great Quotes

Ten Great Quotes by L. Ron Hubbard

As you know, all TipsForSuccess success articles are based on quotes by L. Ron Hubbard. For this week's e-mail, we are sending you ten of his quotes. The first two quotes below are found in The Forbes Book of Business Quotations.

Solving Problems: "The first step of handling anything is gaining the ability to face it."

Avoiding Work: "The person who studiously avoids work usually works far longer and far harder than the man who pleasantly confronts it and does it. Men who cannot work are not happy men."

Leadership: "A man who merely wants to be liked will never be a leader." "In all great leaders there is a purpose and intensity which is unmistakable."

Staff Management: "Orders only occur where responsibility has failed."

Goals: "No man is happy without a goal, and no man can be happy without faith in his own ability to reach that goal."

Happiness: "All the happiness you ever find lies in you."

Fun: "An individual who can freely and with a clear heart do things because they're fun is a very sane person."

Self-importance: "There is nothing wrong with being the most important person under the sun if everybody else is just as important as you are."

Personal Abilities: "Your potentialities are a great deal better than anyone ever permitted you to believe."

Solutions: "All answers are basically simple."

These quotes are now part of the website and can be found at

Provided by as a public service to introduce you to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: The Blame Game

TipsForSuccess: The Blame Game

The Blame Game

No one wins the blame game.

For example, you make a mistake and someone makes you to feel guilty. In your defense, you blame someone or something.

"I crashed the car because you played the radio too loud!"

"It's not my fault there's too much salt in the soup! Your recipe is wrong."

"If we had a newer computer, I wouldn't have deleted the computer files."

Blame is used to explain weakness, poor performance and work failures.

"My boss is such a jerk, I can't get my work done."

"I closed my painting shop and went bankrupt because the local economy went sour."

"I don't get paid enough to be nice to EVERY customer."

Blame is also used for personal problems.

"I'm depressed because of the tragedies on television."

"I can't be faithful to my wife because I have a chemical imbalance."

"I can't stop smoking because my father used to spank me."

Why No One Wins the Blame Game

When you blame someone or something else, you are also making yourself weak and ineffective. You make yourself "at effect" instead of being "at cause" of the situation. You give power to the person or thing you blame.

"Blaming something else makes that something else cause; and as that cause takes on power, the individual in the same act loses control and becomes effect." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, your business is failing and you blame your assistant. This makes your assistant more powerful than you. You are saying, "My assistant determines if my business will succeed or fail."

If you take responsibility for your business, you would say, "I need to train my assistant so he doesn't make mistakes" or "I'd better fire my assistant so my business will succeed."

As another example, you blame your parents for your stress and anxiety. This makes your parents responsible for your feelings, good or bad. You are saying, "My parents are so powerful, they control my emotions. I have no control over my anxiety."

Stopping the blame game and accepting responsibility for yourself gives you hope. "I have let my parents bother me with their advice. I just need to improve my opinion about myself."

Blaming things is even worse. "The rainy weather makes me sad." "The government is ruining my life." "My genetics make me fat." In these cases, you are saying, "I am controlled by the weather/government/genetics and will obey these things for the rest of my life."

You only get ahead when you become "cause" over the situation. "I'll be happy despite the rain." "The government will not stop me from reaching my goals." "I'm only fat because I don't change my habits."

Seven Recommendations for Ending the Blame Game

1. Draw three lines down a sheet of paper to make four columns.

2. In the first column, list all of the problems or conditions you blame on others or things. Example: "I can't stop smoking because I'm addicted to nicotine."

3. In the next column, write how you are responsible for each problem or condition. Example: "I am the one who decided to become a smoker."

4. Write how you can take more responsibility for each Example: "I could be more determined to quit smoking."

5. Write an action step you can take for each problem or condition. Example: "Make a 100% decision to not smoke whatsoever."

6. Each time you make a mistake, avoid blaming anyone. Consider how you are responsible for the mistake and how you can prevent it from ever happening again.

Example: "That idiot Gene didn't mail the credit card payment on Monday and so we got a bad credit mark and owe late fees and extra interest. Actually, I was the idiot because I didn't personally ensure the check was mailed. So from now on, when a check absolutely must be mailed, I will mail it myself."

7. Break blame habits. For example, every time you start a sentence with these phrases, check if you are blaming someone or something:

"I can't because he/she/they/it . . ."

"I failed because he/she/they/it. . . "

"I have a problem because he/she/they/it . . . "

In each case, look at how you are responsible for the problem, failure or difficulty. Find ways to be more responsible and act accordingly.

Eight Benefits of Taking More Responsibility

* You have more personal power.

* Other people and things have less control over your destiny.

* Poor conditions start to improve.

* You make fewer mistakes.

* You are healthier and happier.

* No one can control you without your consent.

* You feel less trapped and more free.

* You become the most powerful force in your future success.

Provided by as a public service to introduce you to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: How to Laugh About Anything

TipsForSuccess: How to Laugh About Anything

How to Laugh about Anything

If you cannot laugh, you are in trouble. Life is not fun for you. You take things too seriously and build stress.

If you cannot laugh, you set a negative example for others. People tend to dislike you. No one wants to help you get ahead.

If you cannot laugh, you may not sleep well. You need drugs or alcohol to feel good. You have health problems.

Fortunately, you can learn to laugh.

Benefits of Laughter

* Laughter strengthens the Immune System. According to Dr. Lee S. Berk from Loma Linda University, California, USA, laughter helps increase the count of white-blood cells and antibody levels.

* Laughter stimulates heart and blood circulation better than other aerobic exercises. Per Dr. William Fry of Stanford University, one minute of laughter is equal to 10 minutes on the rowing machine.

* Laughing provides a good massage to internal organs. It enhances blood supply and organ efficiency, especially with intestines. Experiments also show your blood-pressure decreases after 10 minutes of laughter.

* Laughter increases the levels of the pain killer endorphin. In Norman Cousins' book "Anatomy of an Illness," he explains how laughter relieved the intense pain of his spinal disease when no painkiller would help.

* Younger appearance. Laughter tones facial muscles and improves facial expressions. When you laugh, your face becomes red due to an increase in blood supply. Laughing people look more cheerful and attractive.

An average four-year-old laughs 400 times per day while "solid-citizen" adults average 15 laughs per day. Ideally, you laugh every five minutes (200 times per day).

A New Laughter Tip

Previous TipsForSuccess articles describe the Joy of Creating and the insanity of seriousness.

Another way to find joy and laughter in life is to make your problems MORE serious!

"The mechanism* is to make it more and more and more serious until it becomes utterly and completely ridiculous and the person will explode the whole thing off in laughter." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*mechanism: system or process)

You exaggerate your troubles or expand your complaints to such hilarious levels that you and others end up laughing.

Comics get laughs when they make things extra serious. Remember Saturday Night Live television shows where John Belushi would express his opinion with such force, he would turn red, scream with anger and flop back and forth until he fell off his chair? He was so overly serious, the audience would scream with laugher.

For example, you go into a bank to cash a check. The bank teller looks at you suspiciously and says, "May I see two forms of ID please?"

You say, "Sure. Here's my driver's license and my credit card."

The bank teller clerk examines your cards without comment. She seems unhappy and very serious.

So you pull out more cards and say, "And here's my library card, BlockBuster video rental card, Star Trek Junior Cadet Club card and my Yo-Yo Association card. My name is on all of them."

The teller tries, but can't stop laughing.

A serious waitress brings your food and says, "Be careful. The plate is very hot."

So you grab the plate, jerk your hand back and say, "Oh Man! I burned myself!!"

The waitress realizes you are exaggerating and laughs.

More Ways to Make Things More Serious

If you are having a pity party, write or say to yourself, "Oh, oh, oh! Woe is me! I suffer so much. POOR MEEEE!!! My life is a complete mess! I'm devastated! I will never be happy ever!"

Do all you can to be a poor victim. Feel really sorry for yourself. Boost your feelings of self-pity to new levels.

Make yourself sob, even cry. Be as serious as possible until you feel ridiculous. If you aren't laughing, bawl as loud as you can, just like Lucy Ricardo on her television show, I Love Lucy.

Repeat each time you start to feel sorry for yourself.

If you feel serious and stressed, act EXTREMELY stressed out. Pretend to have a heart attack. Fall on the floor. Give an Academy Award performance.

If someone gives you some alarming news, grab your collar or tie, stick out your tongue and pretend to hang yourself. Pretend the world has come to an end until you and the other person laugh. If you are a manager or parent, do this with serious employees and serious kids.

"Man, if sane, is a child of laughter." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Provided by as a public service to introduce you to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: Taking Control Coaching Website

TipsForSuccess: Taking Control Coaching Website

New TipsForSuccess Coaching Website

You can improve your control over any issue, habit or problem at This new coaching system helps you write a plan to take control of your toughest problems. It uses the five control techniques described in the TipsForSuccess articles last April. See the beginning of Part One below.

The TipsForSuccess Coaching website is free. No personal information is required. The website uses the fastest programming language available so you can quickly move through the steps, even with a slow connection.

In the Planning Section of this interactive website, you type in answers to various questions to create an action plan that puts you in better control of anything. You then print your plan, e-mail your plan to yourself or save a copy of your plan to your computer.

Test Website

Your opinion about this website is very important to us. If you like how it works, we can create dozens of similar websites to help you succeed. Examples:

  • Financial coaching to boost your income.
  • Personal improvement coaching to overcome fear, increase your motivation, reduce stress and more.
  • Relationship coaching to improve your marriage or resolve relationship problems.
  • A personal page where you and a success coach can send messages, tackle problems, work out plans and so on.

Goal achievement system that helps you to set long-range goals and manage the details necessary to reach those goals.

Take a few minutes to test TipsForSuccess Coaching. Please fill out the feedback form so we know how an interactive coaching website can best help you in the future.

Taking Control, Part One

Like money or nuclear power, control can be used for good or evil. You can use it to harm, suppress or destroy lives. Or you can use it to help people, increase your income and improve the world around you.

Negative, destructive control gives control a bad name. Yet positive, constructive control is essential to successful living.

When you are not in control of your sphere of operation, you feel stress, fear and frustration.

When you are in control, you make progress, enjoy your work and achieve success.

Taking better control of yourself and your time, career, business, equipment, files, tools, marriage, family and life is much easier when you understand and apply these five facts about control.

1. Control is the biggest difference between success and failure.

2. Control consists of three parts: Start, Change and Stop.

3. Your control problems are based on your weaknesses with starting or changing or stopping.

4. If you try to control people or things outside your sphere of operation, you fail.

5. To succeed, you must let others control you.

1. Control Is the Difference Between Success and Failure

The greater your control, the greater your success . . .

Continue this article at TipsForSuccess Coaching Section 1, Page 1.

Provided by as a public service to introduce you to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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