TipsForSuccess: How to Set Exciting Goals You Can Reach


How to Set Exciting Goals You Can Reach

"Life is a series of attained goals." -- L. Ron Hubbard

You can now download a free 55-page e-booklet from called "How to Set Exciting Goals You Can Reach." This new e-booklet is a compilation of 15 TipsForSuccess articles based on quotes from L. Ron Hubbard. Go to

Because "How to Set Exciting Goals You Can Reach" is an electronic booklet, you can enjoy several benefits. For example, you click on website links, get the definitions of words and type in text. You can jump from one page to another, search for phrases within the e-booklet and e-mail your comments back to us.

Articles included in this new e-booklet include "Imagine Wild Success," "Personality Goals," "Marriage Goals," "No Goal, No Management," "Three Goal Qualities," "Your Unlimited Potential," "25 Goal Questions," "Taking Charge of Your Progress" and "What To Do After You Reach a Goal."

One of the new TipsForSuccess articles in the e-booklet, "Why You Need Goals" includes "Fifteen Signs You Lack Goals," "Top Ten Excuses for Not Setting Goals" and "Ten Benefits of Setting Goals." Here are five of the benefits from that list

Five Benefits of Setting Goals

1. If you have goals, you have direction. You can invest your time and effort in a specific way that pays off.

A race car that is chained to the ground is the same as having no goals. You push on the gas pedal and the engine roars. The tires spin and smoke. Yet no matter how hard you push on the pedal, you go nowhere.

If you have goals, you push on the gas and go to a destination. Your time and energy give you results. You get what you want from life.

2. Goals motivate you and give you energy.

For example, when you are preparing to go on vacation, you get a lot more done than normal. You have a clear, firm goal to finish several tasks and then go on your trip. The excitement of the vacation goal helps you work hard and fast without getting tired.

Without goals, you feel lazy. You cannot find the energy you need to succeed in life. You prefer to watch television.

3. You have more control of your life.

When events in life knock you around, goals can put you back in control. For example, you get arrested by the police and spend time in jail for something you did not do.

Yet the day after you are released from jail, you focus on your goals and continue onward. The bad incident does not ruin your life.

4. You can have greater confidence. You can take the initiative. You can be a leader.

For example, if you and your group were lost in the wilderness, but you alone knew the correct direction to hike, the group would eventually follow you.

You would not follow someone else. You would not sit down and worry. You would take the initiative and lead your group to safety.

5. Goals give you hope for a better future. Goals make you happier.

Watch the fans at a football or baseball game. They have a goal to win the game. For a few hours, the goal helps them escape the problems of life. Even if they lose, they have fun.

Goals give you the same benefit. They help make life enjoyable, even exhilarating. Goals give you a natural "high" you can never achieve from chemicals or other artificial means.

"Happiness could be defined as the emotion of progress toward desirable goals." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For the other five benefits, download "How to Set Exciting Goals You Can Reach" at

Free E-Booklet

Deep inside you are the most exciting goals of your life. "How to Set Exciting Goals You Can Reach" may help you uncover these goals so you can move your life in a new, more interesting direction. The simple act of setting goals significantly increases your chances of success.

"How to Set Exciting Goals You Can Reach" not only helps you set goals that motivate you and guide you to your dreams, this e-booklet helps you take the first actual step toward your goals.

Because this e-booklet is free, you can keep it in your computer, print copies and e-mail it to friends.

Please let us know what you think of this e-booklet by filling out the feedback form at the end of the e-booklet.

Go to for instructions on how to download and use this free e-booklet.

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Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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TipsForSuccess: The First Step to Gaining Respect

The First Step to Gaining Respect

A bad personal impression gives a message that is not always accurate. For example, bad breath gives the impression that you are dirty. Poor eye contact gives an impression that you are disinterested. Crooked teeth can give the impression that you are stupid.

"Cleanliness and neatness are the primary building blocks to respect in most societies." -- L. Ron Hubbard

To succeed, you need respect.

Personal impressions are important in this society. A bad impression can hurt your chances of success. People may dislike being around you. You make them uncomfortable. They distrust you somehow.

A good personal impression makes your job easier. It opens the door to good relationships. It gives you a chance to show your skills and value.

Job applicants with a good personal image have a significant advantage over those with a poor image. Sales people often win or lose because of their image. Getting a date or finding a spouse depends a great deal on your image.

A good personal image helps make people listen to you, believe in you and like being with you. It shows you are a professional.

Everyone can improve their personal image. It's an easy step on your road to success.

25 Ways to Improve Your Image

1. Have no smells. Use an effective unscented deodorant. Avoid perfume and cologne.

2. Wear clean clothing with no stains. Ensure the clothing fits well and looks professional.

3. Females should avoid heavy cosmetics or sexy clothing.

4. Ensure your fingernails are clean, smooth and well-shaped.

5. Pluck hair that sticks out of your ears or nose, between eyebrows, out of moles or other odd places.

6. Give a healthy image: no red eyes, sniffles or coughing.

7. Brush your teeth frequently. Ensure you have clean-smelling breath, as well.

8. Keep your hair clean and natural-looking.

9. Wear nothing extraordinary: psychedelic ties, long fingernails, nose jewelry, tattoos, hats, big rings.

10. Stand when first meeting someone, no matter who they are.

11. Walk with good posture; stand tall, lift your chin.

12. Sit straight.

13. Make good eye contact.

14. Smile at everyone.

15. Shake hands or pat the shoulder of everyone you meet.

16. Use dry, warm hands for handshaking.

17. Allow a comfortable amount of space between you and others.

18. Laugh easily; it makes people relax and makes your face glow.

19. Watch your humor. Avoid jokes about race, disability, sex and so on. Tell jokes about yourself or pass on humorous stories that anyone would enjoy.

20. Appear relaxed, yet energized.

21. Use good manners. Say "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" at all times to everyone, regardless of who you think they are.

22. Use good language. Bad/good examples: "c'mere/come here," "ain't/isn't," "yeah/yes," "nah/no."

23. Acknowledge everyone; ignore no one.

24. Say "goodbye" to everyone as they leave.

25. Be proud.

"Pride is the primary reason for good appearance." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

Take better control of your life with the TipsForSuccess coaching website at

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How Do You Handle Life's Roadblocks?

When you are trying to accomplish something, and get stopped, how do you respond? How do you handle the frustration?

For example, you want to be a successful singer. You take singing lessons, practice for two hours every day and learn as many songs as possible. You sing at a friend's wedding and feel ignored. You audition to join your church choir and do not get selected. Your mother even says, "Maybe you should take up the piano." What do you do?

Some people respond with grief. They cry and feel sorry for themselves. "Boo-hoo! I feel so bad!"

Others respond to failure with blame. "My education was so bad that I have no chance for success."

Still others blame themselves. "I'm such an idiot! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

Many people like to drown their sorrows. "To heck with it! I'm getting drunk."

Some prefer depression or apathy. "Life isn't worth living. I'm going to watch TV all day."

People often give up. "Becoming a singer was such a stupid idea. I'm going to become a lawyer instead."

What do you do?


"Intention is like a landmark.

"If you were traveling through unfamiliar country toward a snow-capped mountain, you would find that you sometimes took a wrong turn, but as long as you could see the mountain, you would make progress toward it. Sometimes obstacles would get in your way. Sometimes they would even hide the mountain from you. But there is one thing that would not happen. You would not forget to look for the mountain. You would know that you could not reach the mountain by forgetting its existence. You would laugh at the idea of forgetting to look for the mountain."

"Naturally, we cannot accomplish anything if we do not intend to accomplish anything. And intending is a continuous process."
-- L. Ron Hubbard

When you decide to accomplish something, you must keep your eye on the mountain.

For example, you do not lose sight of your goal to be a famous singer. You would ignore the losses and stay focused on the goal. "I will become a famous singer! I probably need more than two lessons and a week of practicing. If necessary, I'm going to take 20 lessons and practice for a full year!"

Luckily, intention is not difficult. Constantly looking for the mountain is easy. You just look.

As another example, you own a restaurant and have the goal of $10,000 profit per month. You figure out you will need around 200 happy, satisfied customers per day. You keep this mountain in mind at all times.

One day, your chef calls and says, "I got a better job in New York and I'm leaving today. Good luck to you."

You realize you'll be cooking a lot of food today and feel like closing the doors and going to a movie. Instead, you look for your mountain of 200 happy, satisfied customers. You persist in your goal.

You then realize your mother is a good cook and ask her to take over the kitchen for a few days. She agrees and doesn't even want any pay!

You run an ad and hire a new chef by the weekend. You continue hiking toward the mountain.


1. Write your top three goals. If you do not have three top goals, write down three big things you really want as your three goals.

2. Put the goals where you will see them several times each day. Examples: A note taped in your car. A screen saver for your computer. A postcard in your shirt pocket. A sticker on the inside of your wallet. Anywhere you will constantly see the goal.

3. Every time you get stopped by life's roadblocks, do not react, but instead look at your goal. Never forget to look for the mountain.

If you constantly look for the mountain, and passionately want it, you will persist. You will fight to reach it, day and night. You will give all the time and energy it takes to reach the top.

You will not give up, but will dream and sweat and plan for it. You will use all your strength, intelligence and hope. Nothing will have the strength or power to stop you.

If you constantly intend to reach the top of the mountain, and never change your mind, you will get there!

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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The Power to Make People Happy

If you can make people happy, you have a vital key to your success.

All your success depends on other people. People give you money, raises, contracts, praise, support, opportunities, help and advice. They recommend you to other people who also give you what you need. If you can make people happier than they already are, you get more of what you want.

People can also hinder your success. If you make them unhappy, they may give you criticism, opposition and bad reviews. Even if they do not actively oppose you, they can withhold their support, hide your options or do nothing for you.

When you make others happy, you own an important skill. You can open doors to success. Just the act of making people happy is rewarding.

"If a person thinks he can be happy without making those around him happy, he's crazy." -- L. Ron Hubbard

However, the first step to making people happy can be difficult.

Step One

Everyone has an identity. It's how they want to be. You can call it their "beingness."

Trying to make people change their beingness is a common activity. For example, a 10-year-old girl's parents are worried that she likes to act like a boy. They are afraid she'll grow up and join a motorcycle gang or become a lesbian. So they make her wear dresses and play with dolls. They forbid her from playing baseball or riding her skateboard. They fail to notice she is no longer happy.

As another example, Fred is a computer geek. He likes to wear goofy clothes and tell silly jokes. Fred goes to a college where the popular students criticize him. "Fred, your jokes are so dumb I want to gag." "Fred asked me out to dinner once and I laughed at him." "Check out Fred's striped pants! What an idiot!"

Married people often try to change each other's beingness as well. "Jill, I wish you were not so talkative. You're on the phone all day." "Jack, you lazy bum. I wish you were more energetic so you would take me out dancing!" Jack and Jill's marriage is not happy.

How do you feel when someone tries to change your beingness? Perhaps you feel resentful. You might even want to attack the person. You certainly do not feel happier.

Granting Beingness

The first step to making people happy is to allow them to be who they are.

"The ability to assume or grant (give, allow) beingness is probably the highest of human virtues*. It is even more important to be able to permit (allow) other people to have beingness than to be able oneself to assume it." -- L. Ron Hubbard (virtue: good or desirable quality)

In past TipsForSuccess articles, we've covered how you must "be" something before "doing" or "having." For example, before "having" a successful accounting firm, the accountant must first "be" a successful practice owner and then "do" the steps necessary to then "have" the successful firm. Assuming the "successful accounting firm owner" identity is necessary to success.

More important than assuming your own beingness, is permitting others to be whatever they want to be.

For example, you need to let Fred the computer geek be exactly what he wants to be. You grant him beingness. You say to yourself, "It's completely okay with me for Fred to wear odd clothing and make bad jokes." You then realize Fred is actually a good person. You laugh at his jokes. You admire his purple tie. You become friends. A few years later, you get an executive job at his new multi-million-dollar computer company.

Granting beingness to marriage partners can seem very difficult, but anyone can do it. "Jack, if you want to lie on the couch each night, that's okay with me." "Jill, let's get another phone line so you won't be interrupted with other calls." If you sincerely grant beingness to your spouse, you are both happier.

For most parents, ensuring their children are happy is their first goal. Granting beingness is essential to this happiness. For example, on Monday, little Joey wants to be a fireman. His mom says, "You'll be a great fireman!" On Tuesday, Joey wants to be a basketball star. "I think you'll be a wonderful basketball star!" And so on.

Later in life, if this mother is smart, she still grants Joey beingness. "So you want to quit college to work for a rock band? You'll be setting up the stage? Well, I think you'll be the best stage manager they've ever hired!" One week later, Joey decides he should finish his education and goes back to college.

What if Joey's mother had not granted him beingness. "Joey, that's the stupidest decision you've ever made. You must quit this job and go back to college." Of course, Joey can't be wrong about his decision and so sets up stages for rock bands for the next 50 years.

Change the World

Imagine how the world would be if everyone granted beingness to everyone else. No more discrimination because of the color of your skin. Women would be treated as fairly in business as men. Everyone could join whichever religion they preferred. Career choices would come from the heart. You could be whomever you wanted to be.

Such a world is possible. It starts with granting beingness.

Managing Others

If you are a teacher, boss or parent, you can get others to change what they DO and still grant them beingness. For example a car repair shop boss should not tell his new mechanic, "You need to cut your hair and become a hard-working mechanic like me!" The boss gets better loyalty and more work from his mechanic if he says, "I don't care how you look as long as you fix 10 cars each week."


Grant beingness to everyone you meet today. Let them be whoever they want to be. Make no attempt to change their beingness.

Grant beingness to someone you already like. Notice what happens to your feelings and your relationship with this person.

If someone irritates you, grant him or her beingness. For example, if another driver on the road makes you mad, grant beingness. If someone appears odd or ugly to you, grant this person beingness.

If you dislike someone, grant this person beingness as well. You can do this right now, without even seeing the person. It may not be easy, but the rewards can be interesting, even amazing.

Watch how others respond to you when you grant them beingness.


Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

Take better control of your life with the TipsForSuccess coaching website at

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