Joy for Your Job
"Work is only as good as it's enjoyed, not as it's paid." -- L. Ron Hubbard (from The Problems of Work)
When you do what you love, your odds of success are much greater. You have more passion, more energy and more fun.
When you enjoy your job, you look forward to Monday mornings. Your days fly by. You make steady progress.
Work enjoyment is contagious. The people around you get along better. They follow your example and get more done.
So what if you do not enjoy your work?
The Parts You Hate
Every job, every profession and every business includes distasteful aspects--the complicated, boring, dirty or difficult parts of the job. Yet conquering these difficulties, and enjoying your job anyway, is how you succeed.
To get rich, simply find and perform an important job most people can't do or won't do. For example, drilling tiny holes in people's teeth or performing surgery on people's stomachs is very tough work, but it makes dentists and physicians wealthy.
If you have no love for your job, the difficult parts become unbearable. You hate going to work. You hate the people. You want to quit.
When you love the purpose and results of your work, the difficulties are easier to deal with. You take pride in conquering them. The benefits of the job outweigh the liabilities.
Five Steps to Getting More Enjoyment from Your Work
1. List what you like about your work. What makes it worth doing? For example, working with good people, improving your customers' lives, doing a technically perfect job and so on.
2. List what you dislike about your work. What makes you want to quit? For example, working long hours, customer complaints, health risks, mean bosses and so on.
3. List your purposes for this job. Why did you start? What is the big picture? Why do you do this work?
4. Review and add items to the above three lists. Continue until you feel more joy for your work. When the lists are balanced, your passion takes over and you love your job.
5. If the four steps above do not help you find joy for your job, you need to make some changes.
Change your routine. Work with different people. Do a better job. Transfer to a different department. Change directions, get a new job or learn a new profession.
Change a negative attitude. Learn to accept help. Stop cutting corners.
Keep making changes until the joy of your job is greater than its difficulties.
If you own a business that gives you no joy, change it as well. Make it into an operation that makes you happy. Replace difficult employees. Delegate more responsibilities. Improve the quality of the service or product. Make the operation bigger or smaller. Sell out and start another business.
When you love your work, you recognize opportunities and make better decisions. You know where you are going. You are on the road to your major, significant success.
Take your foot off the brakes and floor it! Copyright © 2006 TipsForSuccess.org. All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. Take better control of your life with the TipsForSuccess coaching website at www.TipsForSuccessCoaching.org. For permission to copy, print or post this article, go to www.tipsforsuccess.org/reprint_info.htm or click here. To subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about TipsForSuccess.org, click here. |