TipsForSuccess: Stupid Thinking


Stupid Thinking

Do you think things through? Before you act, do you consider what will happen as a result?

For example, before you lose your temper and yell at your friend, you think it over. "If I yell, he'll get upset and leave. I'll be alone all week, so I'd better control my temper." You see the step-by-step sequence of getting angry and change your mind.

If you can think in sequence, you are probably not a criminal. You can see the consequences of a crime. A criminal cannot think that far ahead.

"This is a consequence. 'If you saw off the limb you are sitting on you will of course fall.'

"Police try to bring this home often to people who have no concept of sequence; so the threat of punishment works well on well-behaved citizens and not at all on criminals since they often are criminals because they can't think in sequence." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, a murderer may only think about revenge. He does not see beyond the death of the person he hates. He does not think about living in prison for the rest of his life.

Only criminals are stupid enough to think a crime has no consequences. They just grab what they want without thinking it through. Smart people, on the other hand, get what they want without committing a crime.

For example, if you want $500, you can just work at a job. Even at $7.00 per hour, it only takes two weeks to earn $500. You can spend it however you like, no stress, no secrets, no risks.

A criminal robs a store for $500 without thinking it through. If he is gets the money and is not caught right away, he must keep his crime a secret. He might need to go into hiding. His life is no longer open, happy and trusting. For just $500, he ruins his life and reduces his chances for success.

A criminal also fails to see how he or she hurts others. A stolen car, even when insured, can take months of hassle and stress to finally replace. Stolen money might represent someone's life savings and ruin their retirement plans. Hitting someone on the head can cause a lifetime of pain for the victim.

Street-drug users can only think about their next high. If they looked further into the future, they would see damage to their bodies, financial ruin and a failed life. Prison time is also a real possibility; in fact, half of the inmates in US prisons are there for violating drug laws. These inmates did not look into the future.

Fortunately, when a criminal gets smart and thinks in sequence, he or she stops committing crimes.

Even Small Crimes Have Big Consequences

People who commit small crimes do not think in sequence either. "If I take a few office supplies, no one will know." This person does not see the nagging feeling of guilt or the possibility of getting caught, getting fired and being labeled a criminal. This person does not realize that the risks far outweigh the tiny benefit.

Breaking your agreements at work is another way you lose by not thinking ahead. For example, to get a sales commission, you violate a company policy and promise things the company cannot deliver. The company then has upset customers and lawsuits. As soon as the lawyers sort things out, your reputation is ruined and you are fired.

Breaking agreements with your spouse, friends and family members can also have horrible consequences. For example, you agree to pick up a child at school. You decide you have just enough time to go have a beer after work and decide no one will mind if you're a bit late. You then forget about the child entirely.



1. When making a big decision, think in sequence. If you do Plan A, what are the consequences? If you do Plan B, what are those consequences?

2. Teach children how to think in sequence. "If you hit your brother, what might happen? Let's ask him." "If you don't do your homework, what will happen?" "If you steal candy from the store, what might happen? What would it be like to get caught? Let's ask the store manager what would happen."

3. Talk to criminals and potential criminals about sequences. Help them see the bigger picture. Get them to practice thinking in sequence. As crime hurts everyone directly or indirectly, we all increase our chances of success by helping criminals get smarter.


Thinking about the consequences of your actions helps you live with less stress. You have nothing you regret, nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide.

You earn a reputation as an honest, reliable person. People can trust you and believe you. You can make and keep big promises which boost your income.

When you think in sequence, you can take actions which benefit you and others the most. You make smart decisions for which you can be proud. You and those around you live happier, more successful lives. 


Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you. 


Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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